COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

An update on the US response. A close friend’s best friend is sick and works for Wegmans. All the symptoms where you would want a covid test. Even as of yesterday calling his doctor and Erie County health he’s being told just to self isolate and not come in for testing.

You know the “20 cases in Erie County” we’re seeing on the news is nowhere near right when you see stories like these.

God I sneezed at work today and everyone fucking freaked out. I have god damn allergies lol

i havent had my voicemail returned from the number i called to get a covid test after being referred there by my doctor.

i’m already seeing and sensing a lot of anxiety everywhere from people, obviously moreso on social media, but still… this is going to be an interesting few days.

there was an armed robbery at a local grocery store where someone stole a person’s car at gunpoint after loading it with groceries. there is also video of a bunch of dudes smash and grabbing at a wal-mart the other day… nothing being reported in the news, which is probably for the better.

Stay strapped my friends lol


Every time I leave the house now.


Same. And you dont have to worry about having to stop home first to grab a kid from school…

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Ok swinging by Canada. :slight_smile:

just got a call back from the message service i called about getting a covid test.

because i have no symptoms i will not be able to get a test.

Why are you trying to get a test with no symptoms? Did I miss something where you were exposed to a known infected person?

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no because i was on 4 westjet flights and they are releasing info about all of the flights they know had covid confirmed people on them… i wasnt on any of the specific flights but the planes get reused without a full detox and they all fly to and from the same 6 airports up here.

also, i have 2 people living with me that are in the more vulnerable risk categories.

i’ve also been in the US, Vancouver and Calgary since all this went down so i was just trying to be diligent.

Not the worst news from my perspective. Obviously I hope you’re safe and wish nothing but the best for you and your family. It just makes sense that tests would be prioritized to people with symptoms, not asymptomatic, with how high the demand and possible affected list can be

100% and looks like down here the federal government has said to prioritize health care workers and people who are in the hospital already over others. And the lesson from Korea is that 90% of tests came back negative, so clearly too many people were being tested.

If the 45min self test comes out at the end of the month I think almost everyone will want one, as long as it can also detect the antibodies so those who have had it and recovered without knowing will know.

NOTE: I’m going to move all pandemic posts to the Covid thread.

No, the lesson from South Korea is that you need to test everyone. That’s the only way you stop a virus that spreads asymptomatically for days. You do widespread testing because so many people have no symptoms but are out there spreading the virus and every time you find someone infected you isolate them and trace their contacts. I’m not sure that’s even possible at this point in the US though because we’ve gone so long without stepping up our testing and isolation. We’ve only got a handful of states even bothering to lock down.

Anyone else think China is lying about its situation? I just dont buy that they were able to head this off. I feel like with as contagious as this is that it will have to tun its course. Even S korea is still reporting new cases with a considerably smaller infected base than China.

I’m a little suspicious but I’m leaning toward they were able to get it under control. The reason I think they got it under control is how brutally communist they were in their lockdown. Their streets were empty. None of this spring break kids at the beach like you see in the US. People went home and stayed there (sometimes because the government welded their doors shut). They were testing a ton and every positive was sent to isolation (or the incinerator… I’m honestly not sure since it’s China).

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Cocaine Mitch is saying the Democrats now want emissions restrictions on the airlines and tax credits for wind & solar in this bill. Amazing.

Holy hell…probably because oil will be dirt cheap for the foreseeable future. What a joke.

i wouldnt trust any account that comes out of an autocratic / socialist / communist state.

also do not see testing as being the solution given that the exisitng tests take a while to produce a verdict and they are not perfect by any stretch.

also, since people can test positive but never exhibit any symptoms even positive diagnoses become unactionable.

the fall-out from the media / govt over-reaction is going to be the real killer here.

suicides are already spiking up here related to this.

A colleague of mine in hong kong is saying that they are getting new cases now from foreigners coming in. They seemed to have things pretty well contained before these new cases started popping up. They’ve basically been trapped in their apartment for months.


I wonder if those cannonball run dudes are going to make a record attempt while traffic is low and gas is dirt cheap.