COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

Have appointments in Syracuse for myself, my wife and my mom on 3/10. Hoping something closer opens up appointment slots before then but if not it’s only 2 hours to the NYS fairgrounds.

People I work with have been getting into the place by ECC really easily. I’ve heard them about at least 8 people that have last minute setup appointments there. Not sure how they are doing it but it sounds like these places aren’t fully checking information/documentation to see that they legit should be getting the shot and that they legit got the appointment the right way.

Personally I don’t care, I’m just sitting back and waiting for things to settle down a little. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon to need it and everyone around me is already getting vaccinated.

Every time I check the NYS website it never shows anything available

I am 100% over these fucking masks. That being said, when I was out of state where it’s not shit gray death weather for 8 months of the year, I felt like I was a super horrible person not wearing a mask. NYS has effectively made it a guilty feeling to want to not wear a face diaper.

I’m over it all. COVID-19 better either take me out in the next few months or else I’m going to lose my shit.


My work is still taking temperatures when you come in for every employee. The sad part, everyone typically has a 95-97 degree temp because they just came from outside in 20 or so degree temperature. We have had covid in our buildings while these temperatures were being taken and not once did it find someone with an elevated temperature to keep them from coming in. So what’s the point.

My work is still doing the temperature thing too. Sadly, mine has been within .1 degree every single day, regardless of outside temp. I brought it up that maybe the thermometer we’re using is broken because that seems HIGHLY suspect and was told, “No, it’s working fine”.

More BS theater to make it look like we’re doing something.


We have a thermal camera setup here you have to stand in front of on the way in, i dont even bother anymore. It was reading me at like 93.xx everyday. so even if i had a fever (which I wouldnt be at work with anyway) itd never know.

We still have to fill out a “health declaration” every day, which is also 100% stupid.

Not to mention we have to give a schedule in advance what days we are going to be in the building for the week since we arent all here everyday still. Sigh. And if I decide to come in or that I dont need to come in I have to let HR know so they can update the list.

We do all this, plus some because it’s a school.

I had to kick a student out of my classroom today for refusing to wear a mask. It’s the second week of “hybrid” schooling for us.

I cant sigh big enough for all this.

Curious how that went.

I get to fill out my covid survey online. I labeled the bookmark: Obey.
I generally only fill it our a few times a week.

The main intent is to catch people that might be have it, or been close to someone right away.
When I quickly clicked the wrong answer once, I got a call from the site director a few hours later.
I have not repeated that error.

I only wear my gator thing to appease others. The worst part is that we reopened the fitness center at work, but you must wear a real mask. no gators, no bandannas.

I’m looking forward to the MSM meltdown when cases increase in the cool states then drops like a rock.


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@drvnkd I’m a gator bro as well

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I don’t have to stop at the guard gate but I do have to do the online questionnaire every day. I have to fill out how I feel, what buildings I was in and anyone I came within 6ft of. Every single day even the weekend days I’m not even at work.

Uh… @HouseS2K
Is this the same place I work?


I applaud your dedication.
If you use the same LTC form and that is what I’m supposed to do, I’m not going to come into the office any more.

IMO, those fields are only important when you select anything other than “4”.

all of that makes my head spin.

i’ve heard so many stories about the variations of policy in workplaces. heard one the other day of a guy who makes all of his staff (30+) get covid tested every two weeks. same dude hasnt shared a bed with his wife since this all started… maybe it’s weird or maybe it’s a cover and he wanted to go that route anyways :slight_smile:

thank goodness i am just working from home and dont have any retail locations to worry about anymore. i definitely would not have wasted my time with any of this BS.

have some buddies who are still not back in the office… been just about 12 months now and no end in site.

Look at this ridiculous crap we have to do. I currently have over 120 kids to call according to this flowchart. Absolutely no time to do this.