COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

Anyone else listen to Shredd and Ragen? Had no clue until I looked this morning, but apparently Shredd has been out with Covid and was/is in the hospital.
Pretty messed up.

“Shredd said he recently received the first dose of the vaccine, but his doctors believe he was infected with COVID-19 at the time of his immunization but was asymptomatic.”

So in other words, it seems he would have been safer/healthier not getting the shot.

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My wife got her 2nd dose. She was down and out for 2 days with fever, chills, aches, headaches, night sweats etc etc. Days 3/4 she’s better but still says she’s not feeling too good.

Safer and healthier if he wasn’t already infected.

this is a super well-written assessment of the current condition in Canadaland.

Read this and thought maybe you could relate:


Shower thought:

If you’ve gotten the vaccine: cool - your choice, just accept any potential future consequences though
If you haven’t gotten a vaccine yet but plan on it: shit, or get off the pot.
If you don’t plan on getting the vaccine: cool - your choice, just accept personal responsibility though

But those are really the only three options anyone in America has right now. We are at a point in the pandemic where wearing a mask and pretending the world is ending is over.

Time to bring back common sense and stop pandering, postulating and virtue-signaling.


The government is trying to playing weird games right now trying to force people into getting the vaccine or limiting what you can’t do un vaxed which is resulting in people thinking the vaccine doesn’t work lol

The problem is that governments aren’t designed to be efficient. Why on earth did we think this pandemic would change that?

Canada friends, how’s that government control over everything going over there? I’m ready to start smuggling some apologetic northerners when you guys get the nerve to cross the river!

i am free to cross but have reduced travel into the US just as a caution.

it’s hard to say what will happen up here. the media is in control and anyone who questions them is vilified and hard. the shit going on in alberta right now with RCMP takedowns of pastors and restaurant owners is wild and i don’t see it stopping any time soon.

we hit brietbart.

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Suck my dick:

Yeah, not happening.

we’re far more advanced up here i guess… you guys maybe have 1 more generation.

more doctors against the other doctors / politicians.

If only there was something people could do that was proven to work…

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Thankfully our numbers are starting to drop drastically as well.

Not at all surprising considering NY is at the same 50% vaccinated rate that Israel was at when their cases started to plummet. Unfortunately the US has managed to make it political like everything else so you’ve got a ton of people that now think getting the vaccine that was developed under the Trump admin and given to his entire family is now some Biden conspiracy to make them gay/trans/democrat/illuminati or some other bullshit.

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I do wonder how many of those not looking to get vaccinated have already contracted Covid19. That could also be of help to get things in the right direction. Some of these states that are antivaccine or big Right wing people have been open now for over a month and it doesn’t seem like they are having massive hospitalization rates. I may be wrong though but I haven’t heard about it lately.

Even those “big red open states” like FL and TX aren’t really that red. Being a consistent red vote at 55% doesn’t really make you dark red. If you look at the vaccination rates in those states they’re doing pretty good. TX 40% with at least 1 dose, FL 44%. If anything I think this has shown the lockdowns don’t work but vaccines do.

Then you look at Canada and say, “Well they’re at 40% too, why did they get so screwed”. Yes, they’re at 40% now, but just a few weeks ago they were in the teens. They’ve had a massive ramp up in the last few weeks trying to undo the horrendous disaster their initial vaccine rollout was.

i wouldnt believe a single number you are hearing from up here.

the issue up here is the govt controls healthcare too so the incompetence is multiplied.

with respect ot Israel, i also wouldnt put much faith in the news coming out of there right now either… unless it’s about the civil war going on in the streets at this very moment.