crank help asap ins

im taking the rods and pistons back to the shop tommorow with all the info you guys are giving me. is there any markings on the piston that points out front and back? how would i go about finding if i need special bearings? i thought the shop i had this stuff done would do it right since they build race cars as their job.

The dot on the front of the piston points forward, and does the “F” stamped into the side. You see, your pistons were marked both ways.

And I doubt there are any special bearings needed for this stock rebuild…

they are gonna check tonight to make sure but they seem to think the rods are just outta round by a very little. they are no special bearings as far as they know but are going to check and are making sure the pistons are on the rods the right way… they have been very helpful with me. this is the first engine rebuild . more work than i thought but will be worth it in the end.

I’m still not buying that the rods are out of round!!! Seems to me they just want to hit you up for machine work. Well good luck and keep us informed on what the problem really is.

I’m no machinist by any means, but by my measurements the roundness of the crank end of the rod, is out any where from .001" to .0019". I relize that is a very small amount, but then a .001" is a mile sometimes. They were smaller at the point that where the cap attaches to the rod. I dont think this is normal. Does anyone???

well i got my rods back today and they them to be out of round by up to 2 thousands. a few were ok and a few were out by not even 1 thousands. but they have been honed and resized and that the rods were actually pinching the crank. i think that how he explained it to me. anyways it only cost me 25.00

is is back together yet?

not yet. the engine is in tom vito’s garage so maybe this weekend.

Or NOT…:finger2:

bring it to my house and ill put it together.

I had the same issue once. There wasn’t a gap between the rods and the engine wouldn’t spin. Make sure the bearings have enough clearence to clear the radius of the crank fillet. You can remove some meterial from the edge of the bearing so that the radius doesn’t push the rods together so tightly and bind everything up.

Any update on this???

i got my rods back from the shop on friday last week and they were out of round by up to 2 thousands at the most some were not as bad and a few not bad at all. i put the bottom end together saturday afternoon and it turn over until i had the 7 and 8 pistons in . after some removing of the side material as domination said it now turns freely and i have torqued all the bolts to specs and put in the oil pump and cam . it still turns over tight but not really bad. it cost me 25.00 to get the rods resized.

What were your bearing clearances and rod side clearances? How about the crankshaft end-play?