crash after luke bryan concert

sucks heard 1 dead

Yea, one didnt make it. :frowning:

That sucks. We were stuck in the traffic right behind it too, had to turn around and leave SPAC from the other exit.

ya almost went that way myself but decided last minute to go another route

Possibly related to this accident but I don’t really thinks so…

I was sitting on Broadway around 6:30 or so and the number for douchebags I saw walking and driving to this concert was off the charts.

I didn’t know country music was like the all time D-bag music

I went to school in central NY… Trust me, it is.

dont let the few a holes that drove through toga let you belive thats how all pepole who listen to counrty music act there were a lot of guys and girls at that spac that if you asked couldnt tell you one johnny cash song

But so many hot girls there.

I went home on 50 and 67 so I avoided this mess.

There’s douches that listen to all types of music.

Never was into country. However, Carrie Underwood is hot as fuck.

so true

For the non-country fans (I’m all into country), for reference:

IMO, one of the hottest if not THE hottest females on this planet.

x2 so many wanna be country girl sluts up there it was like shooting fish in a barrel

Posers. The last few years, it’s the cool thing to do. I was disgusted last night.

So many rude people there last night

That crowd last night was shit. Too many teeny boppers, posers and rude drunks.

Not really a surprise there was an accident, it’s sad that someone died though.

rude drunk guys at a country concert? no way.

Kids name wash josh something . 20 years old from c.p

The people I was hanging out with at the concert were pretty cool. I didn’t actually know any of them and I had a seat by myself and I had the most fun Ive had at a concert in a while.

Country is what’s mainstream cool now. You can thank the Dave Brown Band faggots and other pop horse shit like Hunter Hayes, Taylor Swift and the rest of that faggot brigade for blurring the lines.