The kid hit a curb going like 20MPH and totaled his first car, an '86 MR2. Why, you ask? Because he was intentionally turning the wrong way onto a one way street leading into a church parking lot that he was going to “drift” in. The car had no brake fluid in it. Like literally none.
This is the front right wheel that hit the curb:
You guys don’t know SHIT about “Sumimoto” tires :lmao :lmao
I also have a video of him attempting to drift in his new '86 MR2, but he really just drives in a circle bouncing off the rev-limiter with the inside wheel spinning like mad :lol
EDIT: Here’s cazrwx chillin on the hood of it :lol
I’m going to post just a link to the first one because its one of the most horrific photos I’ve seen. For those of you who can take it, click it. The reason I’m not posting it as a whole image is because of what you see flying. You can see chunks of meat flying among the metal. Brutal. SRSLY dont click it if you’re squeamish and then yell at me.
:runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway
Wow that’s one of the nastiest pics I’ve ever seen You can see what looks to be the dude’s spinal cord flying through the air connected to the large piece of flesh. Nice post.
see, im learning. if i just posted that it could just get a “o wow, thats a horrible crash” reaction or the 50 pages of “BAN!” and the like. i decided not to bet and went for the sure thing of posting a link with a warning