Crazy Chick in G37 Coupe takes on Capitol Hill

She’s dead. This just ended a little while ago in DC.

I’m seeing video on TV but no sources yet online.

Somehow this happened too

This is going to end up with her arguing with cops and driving away.

At which point cops open fire since its DC


And there was a kid in the car

Right lady gets pulled over gets in argument with cops tries to take off

then cops open fire

end of story

Original reports were “lady rams gate at white house and opens fire”

All the news channels were reporting some lady tried attacking the white house with gun/car and its actually what I said before.

Yeah, I don’t listen to anything they say when shit like this happens. Of COURSE the media would say she had a gun, lol.


That shit cray.

I don’t know what dumbass would run from the cops in that part of DC.

There is a cop every 10 feet, secret service every 15 feet, FBI, and god only knows what else running around.

The fact she got that far is probably lack of traffic do to the current government funding issue.

Ain’t nobody got time for that…

What I really want to know is how that cop car got split in two?

… err and what she was stopped for initially?

Someone’s been playing too much GTA…

The fact that she was able to go on for so long is scary, kid or no kid. Funny watching 2-3 cops chase her around an round-a-bout haha.

so they fired on her with a kid in the car?

… That’s not a poor persons car too, lets be honest.

She must have been trying to run some cops over for them to shoot her like that.

She doesn’t live in DC either. Reports are saying she drove 2 hours to get there.

… Reports are also calling her car a “2,000lb assault weapon.” :bloated:

so she was black? or a coal burner?

When you try and run over cops they really don’t care who’s in the car.

CT plates, could’ve been a rental…