Crazy End of the Earth Video

Nice post! And yes, it is amazing that the one that did th dino’s in was roughly 1m, thats NOTHING compared to the 500km:ohnoes

It doesnt. Im not religious, and i can totally believe that something like this COULD happen. Not saying that its going to by any means, but who knows…

most of the 'end of the world’shit was brought on by religous shit if the end od the world happens its by circumstance not a so called god;)

that would ruin my day

Right, but nobody said anything about a god :lol:

Yeah, an impact of THAT magnitude would likely alter the orbit of this planet.

The impact event would be over pretty f-ing quick. The horror would be the hellish chaos of society during the period of detection to time of impact…

i know i just had to be that guy:lol

Oh yeah, for sure. I know id be grabbing a few scuba tanks and tryin to do work a few 100ft under water:lol

is that a typo??? like 1 meter??? a little over a yard wide???

or 1 km?


1 mile lol, sorry for the confusion


It said 6 times…

Watch a little too much movies?

Not quite. Science backs up almost everything involving the end of the world. Like this situation, it’s happened SIX times before. Also the Mayan or Aztec calender which ends on 12/21/2012… It’s been the most accurate calender in the world, and it just ends on that day. Not because they just ran out of days, but because that’s when they believe it’s going to end. Nostradamus also predicted it as well as another world war. We’ll see how everything goes, I suppose.

We’re pretty much fucked

Nostradomous shit is pretty interesting. Sometimes vague, but pretty “on”

I watched a 2 hour show about Nostradamus… definitely interesting shit

where did you watch it? i’m interested.

Discovery had a special on him a WHILE back

A couple of semi-interesting reads: - Solar activity in 2012 - Meteor a little too close for comfort. Passing below communication satellites is scary!

Some sources are saying that 2012 is just going to mark a significant time for man or an enlightenment of some sort. I guess we will have to wait and see. Hopefully, I will get to drive the Supra couple times before then :confused:

2012 is going to be a year like any other year. Except we will all be a little bit older and still arguing on shift.