Crazy End of the Earth Video

Thought that this was pretty damn interesting…:eek


definitely pretty creepy

Yeah, pretty killer vid. And AMAZING that its happened 6X already… =-/

^what like billions of years ago? or just small ones fairly recently?

LONGG time ago.

come on a little dramatic now dont ya think,biblethumpers gettin everyone thinkin the worst if it hapens then im fucked but untill then fuck that…aliens will beat us first not that…8 times its happened how do they no that pleaase

This happening is VERY believeable. Think about it, something the size of austrailia hitting the earth at XXX speed. Look at the impact of 2 cars hitting eachother at 35mph, even thats pretty impressive. If something were to get into our solar system like this, all we could do is sit back and enjoy the show. No Bruce Willis savin the day there!


come on our military would blow it up before it was anywheres near us

or at least try


my kid hit the keyboard on me:lol

All it would do is split it into 500 Maine sized meteors then lol

:lol Nice!

less impact at once

Pink Floyd is what I would want to hear before the end of the world! Cool vid.


im with u but come on they needed a priest out there spillin holy water if there gonna do the overdramatic bit do it all the way dont half ass it

I watched a show on this not too long ago. They say the Earth is pelted with baseball size debris everyday but that it burns up harmlessly in our atmosphere. They say an automobile size chunk of rock hits us every 100 years or so and can cause significant damage. Once every million years it is said that an asteroid the size of a mountain comes along and threatens life on our planet. The rock in that video was 500 km in diameter so it is much larger than anything discussed in the program so I cannot say the odds of something like that coming our way. The thing is it doesn’t have to be that large to put an end to our species, the one that killed the dinosaurs was only about a mile across.

What does religion have anything to do with it? It’s scientific theory not jesus hailing his powah.