Crazy Police Video


So running from the cops warrants to shoot and kill the runner?

I’m sure a lot of members here have run from the cops. If a friend of yours or a member here runs from the cops he deserves to get shot and killed?

i ran from the cops mostly for fun. well i thought it would be fun.

it was the scariest experience of my life

first off that guy in the monte carlo put those police officers life in danger as soon as he tried running. he had grounds to kill once the driver tried pulling away with him on the hood. Shoot to kill when your a Police officer

the cop jumped on the hood, started shooting, THEN he tried to pull away with the cop on the hood

IMHO, it certainly does.

The runner is putting everyone else’s life at risk. In NY you have the right to use deadly force when there is an immediate and reasonable risk to yourself or another person. Someone willing to run from the cops is certainly presenting a clear and reasonable risk to anyone else on the road. All you have to do is watch a bunch of high speed chase footage and count how many end in serious crashes with innocent people.

So you wouldn’t mind if a trooper on a highway was shooting at speeders with slugs rather than radar?

Uh, that’s a completely different scenario

That’s retarded. In your senario you’re not giving the speeder any chance to end the situation peacefully. When the cop tries to pull you over and you run, that’s a different story.

Say someone breaks into my house. I can’t just shoot them in the back with no warning. But, I can tell them to stop, and if they do anything that that gives me a reasonable fear for myself or someone else, I can shoot to kill. That’s the law.

If you’re speeding a cop can’t just shoot you. He has to tell you to stop. IMHO, if you don’t, he should be allowed to stop you by any means possible because your actions of putting everyone else’s life at risk should forfeited your right to life. It will never happen because police departments are so scared of lawsuits, but it won’t stop me from cheering an officer who has the balls to do it.

so what if you are speeding and a cop tries to pull you over. Instead of stopping you drop to the speed limit and keep driving. What if you are only going 10MPH over? At what point is he allowed to kill you? Is there a set number here?

What if… what if… what if…

How fucking difficult a concept is this? A cop hits the lights and siren, you clearly see him, and refuse to stop = bullet in your head. I’m so tired of seeing the system do everything it can to prevent a criminal from getting hurt even when it means putting innocent people at great risk.

If that was the official policy how many “innocent” people would run?

Of course there would still be discretion, just like in every other case where an officer decides to use deadly force. But the base policy should be refuse to stop, put everyone else at risk = shoot.

You guys act like he just shot the piss out of the dude for no reason. I would bet that a few officers got out of their cars when they had the monte cornered. They drew their guns, yelled freeze, and the retard started swerving, and driving to get out of there. He probably ended up driving right up on a cop, who had no choice put to jump onto the hood to avoid getting his legs hit, and it CLEARLY shows the vehicle still moving forward (IE: foot on the gas) with the officer aiming at the driver, THEN the officer unloads on him.


yay good for the cops, fuck that piece of shit!!!

people are so happy to see death and say stupid shit. I didnt see anything to warrent deadly force. fucking cop looked like a cowboy in a movie on a hood. real life isnt the movie “die hard” i miss when cops used to use there brains to outsmart the criminal and put them behind bars and through the system. The judicail system is there for a reason.

im not crazy about one human being having the right to take another. people shouldnt have the right to be god and give/take life.

[quote=JayS;829102]What if… what if… what if…

what if the cops, which out numbered the criminal used all there brains and actualy emobilized the vehicle and then arrested the perp.

cops get attitudes when there authority is challenged and this cop seemed like a cowboy.

Not sure on the reasoning but it wasn’t smart of the cop to jump on the hood of the car like that. He could have fallen off and gotten run over before he got shots off or something like that.

Honestly why the hell would you stand in front of the car when theres a good chance the suspect is going to try and run you over. Shooting from the side would probably be just as effective.

It’s kind of funny that most people that choose to run from the cops are always the worst drivers ever.

I guess you did not read this part

After another collision, the car stopped again, and an officer attempted to arrest Bennett. When Bennett tried to hit the officer with the car, the officer ended up on the car’s hood and fired twice, hitting Bennett at least once.

Trying to run over a person with your car justifies the use of deadly physical force. The cop jumped on the hood to avoid being run over.

lol, sorry i didnt see that part in any of the videos. Just like i missed the 2 shots fired. only saw multiple shots fired from the video. Your right though, the journalist is probably right and telling the supposed truth.

I never trust journalists, they are worse than lawyers. That part is not in the video. By the time it is in the frame the car is already moving with the cop on the hood. Even if the cop jumped on the hood when the guy was stopped, all the guy had to do was not move.

Watch the video again.

Before the cop ends up on the hood, the driver tried to run down a different cop that DIDN’T end up on the hood (This is at 3:38, camera 3).

That cop opened fire, The suspect spins around and the cop in camera 2 hits the car.

Camera 3 spins around and it is the cop driving Camera 2, that ends up on the hood.

Once a cop starts shooting, dont you thing you should…I dont know…maybe STOP. Furthermore I’m sure once one cop feels his life is threatened and begins shooting. It’s open season, and they’re hunting scumbag.