Crazy Police Video


yes, worthless pieces of shit

ok dellusional dan

lol@all the save-a-hoes in this thread

it’s easy to sit here and justify the action or misactions of the police but the truth of the matter is, that no one here really has the right to say anything until you are in the cops shoes and are doing what he is doing.

You can sit here and tear them apart or defend them but the fact of the matter is they have families too, and they also have a job to do.
Just bear that in mind when saying oh he had no right or anything of the such.

This reminds me of that suicidal runner in Az who killed that kid in the Supra. I thought this guy was going to ram that first cop head on at 100+mph. It sounds like this guy had a screw loose and these officers could have very well saved an innocent life.

youre an idiot. Police oficer are NEVER allowed to use their guns for any kind of “warning shot” this includes firing their guns in the air and shooting out tires. The only time a cop is allowed to fire his weapon is to kill someone. And even if he wasnt try to ram him which it looked like he was to me, the guy was avoiding being pulled over and was running from police. That warrants a high speed chase. I also heard shots fired befoe the first cop you saw fired his weapon. Dont talk about shit you dont know.