Crazy Sale...

I want that beige one sooo bad

apparently every car on the lot is 5 gs

mmmmmm… supra for 6.5

Bring 5k youll walk away with any car you want. To let you know that 94 180sx is built like a mofo.

it looks it

i wish i had money

most of them are alright, i just hate how so many jdm cars already come with like full nasty vader kits and 2 tone lime green paint jobs and shit. just not clean

2g for jdm s14? wow thats a steal yo

holy shit!!! dammmmmmnnnn son.

no turbo?

special edition how much would it cost me to have you purchase one and hold until summer? pm me lol.

wow i like the silver s13’s red/clear taillights… shit i wish i had a job still and money D;
I’d take the S14.5 too cause its the only one i can afford :confused:

If this place was a little closer and LHD id probably buy one

oh how i wish i had money to spend right now lol

OMG I wish I was in Canada right now!!! Those are good prices!

s14.5 is NA lol thats why its going for 3k, anyone want a good chassis well worth it for 3k

Omg omg omg drools!! Who wants to go to montreal this weekened! Lol

im going for the holidays!!! im gunna go look and admire and dream i got one of those for christmas lol

the 180sx has a pretty clean look.

wow Thats just fiing crazy Why did i just do a tranny in my duramax I could own a damn supra!!! WTF!!!