CRC BBQ 8/25 2PM


230 Western turnpike Altamont… get directions here:


  • Starts at 2PM. Sat 8/25
  • Burgers and Hotdogs will be cooked as requested, walk up ask for one, wait 5 mins and eat!
  • Pulled Pork will be ready around then too we think. Smokers being fired up at 7AM and apparently it takes like 7 hrs to cook. So 2-3PM and they are ready too.
  • Solid foods above are free. If you want to bring chips, dips and whatever that would be nice. I’ll have a giant container of icy cold sodas and waters. $1ea. Or BYOD
  • Alcohol IS NOT ALLOWED. Sorry.


-No parking on the grass, unless this gets too big then BE DAMN CAREFULL NOT TO SPIN THE TIRES!

An RSVP in this thread would help me a ton to get enough burgers, dogs, pork and drinks so just a “yep I’ll be there” would be nice.


Planning on stopping by on the bike.

ill be there you sumbitch

Me and the wife (with her Worlds Best Devilled Eggs)…Won’t be eating much though, Hamburger or Hot Dog or 2. We have a Dinner date later on…

yep I’ll be there

gonna try my best to make it.

i’ll be there, gonna eat all your food fuck everyone else lol.

I read that as “gonna eat all your food AND fuck everyone else lol.”

I dont want to be fucked…

Already pre-parked on the lawn.

Reserving a lawn spot as well, I’ll bring the BL smoothies

No alcohol LOL. Says it in the OP.

well i was going to fuck just you, but i could fuck everyone, shift std swap party :dunno

Should be there man

Oh, and I’ll be there…

i’ll be there

in there like swimwear

Sounds like a whole lot of this is gonna be goin on

I’m tentative now

I will definitely be there at some point man!!

I’ll stop in for a little while, not sure if ill be on the bike or in the car. anybody down for a cruise on the bikes before hand if i do decide to ride? I’ll be coming from ravena but can meet anywhere in the capitol district.