Looking to hold a bbq end of this month SAT 25th


230 Western turnpike Altamont… get directions here: http://shift518.com/showthread.php?t=26899


  • Starts at 2PM. Sat 8/25
  • Burgers and Hotdogs will be cooked as requested, walk up ask for one, wait 5 mins and eat!
  • Pulled Pork will be ready around then too we think. Smokers being fired up at 7AM and apparently it takes like 7 hrs to cook. So 2-3PM and they are ready too.
  • Solid foods above are free. If you want to bring chips, dips and whatever that would be nice. I’ll have a giant container of icy cold sodas and waters. $1ea. Or BYOD
  • Alcohol IS NOT ALLOWED. Sorry.


-No parking on the grass, unless this gets too big then BE DAMN CAREFULL NOT TO SPIN THE TIRES!

An RSVP here: http://shift518.com/showthread.php?p=987797#post987797 Would help me get enough burgers, dogs, pork and drinks so just a “yep I’ll be there” would be nice.


I’d go to that, if you guys are ok with static dropped cars, aka free driveway grader service

thats fine, but bring your own 2X4’s to make the dip at the end of the lot.

I’ll just plow through it

damn you, i’ll be gone then.

i’d prolly shoot by.

depending on my work schedule, i’ll probably come down

i’d stop by

If I dont have to work I will definitely be there and if I do I will shoot down when I get out. Not sure my truck will handle the bump at the end of the driveway though so I will bring myself some 2x4’s

Ill stop by deff ive been wanting to see the shop

I will be there.


Like drew in a fishing boat.

Hmm, sounds like a good deal.

:rofl:rofl Would plus rep but I cant

Drew, bringing your glitter boat?

my boat has no glitter.

As long as the baby doesn’t show up early I’ll swing by!

I’ll see if the old man can drive the Neon allllll the way to the shop!

We will definitely swing in though, I’ll bring treatz :slight_smile:

/\ OK its offically a party then!

I should be able to make it, havent seen you in a long ass time woody

true that man, come on out bro!