Credit Reports

Has anyone tried

Im ready to do my annual credit report thing but not sure where to go…Last year I used
But they’ll charge me about 35 bux for it…I figure why not take advantage of the free one instead…

CHeck it out and let me know what you think…I know a guy that did it over at hondaswap but not sure if everything went ok…still awaiting for a feedback…:gotme: is what i use…no cost to you for a look at one of the 3 credit corps.

I dunnno…My wife tried them last year and they ended up charging her about 19 bux or something…Not sure…
It says on that one i posted that you get all 3 for free…
I guess i’ll wait till later on, to see what everyone has to say before i do it…


try these they were in the buffalo news a few weeks ago, they said they were free.

Just call all of the 3 credit bureaus, they will mail it to you in a few days.

Paper Copy > Online

No credit card required.