Why, what waxes and polishes do they make?
private label = store brands
So. I want to know. I want to know.
they do have email links on there…ask!
I figured I could ask the fine people here. Somebody has to know somebody.
You’d be surprised how much stuff is relabeled. eep.
that’s looks liek a fuel additive … what bottle is it anyone recognise it?
looks kinda liek it could be Barr’s leak stop
The first bottle is fuel additive… second is polish for paint (I believe).
a good friend of mine used to be assistant manager there for years… still got a box of all that shit laying in my garage.
the fuel additive I think is a Wal-Mart brand thing. I remember avoiding it to get the STP stuff. lol
I am currently trying to get them as a client, they make many things there…
most of wiich is generic brand name stuff, or not major brand names.
dish soap
window cleaner
hand soap
they also bottle dura lube products there
(hense the dura lube fuel additive and injector cleaner and etc…)
I will be there next week I will let you know more then :tup:
May I ask what made you find this company? they are not very well known?
that place must be in the middle of nowhere… oh wait it is about a half mile from my house
Just wondering. Do they actually formulate the products, or just manufacture the products? I’d be interested in trying their polish/wax.
I like to support local companies.
I believe they do both