Criminal Justice students...

I thought i read before that a few people on here are C/J students. I’d like to know how you like the program and also what school you go to. Thanks in advance!

Im going to HVCC, and so far its been really interesting. Some of the core classes suck, but you have to do them. I finally went back to college last year, so Im a bit older than everyone else, but I still find it interesting.

UA also had one of THE best CRJ courses in the nation, just some food for thought. Im gonna be transfering there next semester more than likely

are you going full time?? and why are you transferring so soon??

Yeah Im full time. This is my 3rd semester there, so I only have 1 more before I graduate, so I may or may not go to UA next semester. More than likely Ill just save the $ and stick with HV until my 2yrs is up though.

Nice, Not to be too personal or anything, but what does it roughly cost a year to go? you can pm if you’d like.

No not a prob man, if you are a resident(which Im assuming you are) its roughly $17-1800 a semester. You need to get proof of residency though or else you will be paying in the 3-4K range… Books run anywhere from 200+, this semester was actually pretty cheap at just under $300 for everything. Used books ftw!

Thanks for all your input man, i appreciate it a lot. In your first post you said it was interesting?? as in a good or bad way? haha


If you want a CJ degree (not sure why since its basically useless because you have nothing else to fall back on… LE agencies are looking for sociology, psychology, accounting type degrees, especially federal) Go to HVCC for a couple years and transfer to UAlbany. UA is a great school.

I went to HVCC for CRJ for two years and loved it. I’m now going to UAlbany, still majoring in CRJ. However, it is extremely difficult to get into the CRJ program at UAlbany. I was lucky to get into the program even though I graduated from Hudson Valley with a 4.0 GPA. You need to be very well rounded and get involved in extracurricular activities at HV (ie. CRJ club, etc). Make yourself known to the CRJ professors at HV. They have connections that can help you get into the CRJ program at UAlb. Overall, I like UAlb, but I don’t care for the huge lecture classes.

Really? ^^

Looks like I need to start doin some more shit then…


Everything is still up in the air at this point, not sure really what is going to happen. My wife went to both HVCC for summer classes and graduated UA with a biology degree and loved both schools. Just trying to figure out what i would like to do at this point. Thanks to everyone for the input and keep it coming!


PM me if your interested in the LE route I’m currently in process.

If you havent been to school in awhile(like I was previous to this), Id personally suggest HV. Lower course load, and gets you back on your feet so to say. Also the cost difference is nice too…

Sounds good, not sure if LE is going to be what I’m looking for yet though.

HA! 27 now just about to get my feet wet! lmao!

I’m also a CRJ major. Im in my 3rd semester at HVCC also. Like Adam said it really is a great place. I have one more semester and then i’m off to either St. Rose or UAlb. Criminal justice is veryyyy interesting IMO. I actually enjoy going to class. I found sociology to be interesting also. This semester the tuition was almost 2k. Still not bad. Books are costly but Adam said it, used books ftw. Half my classes, the teachers told us to not bother buying the books because we won’t use them.

What kind of jobs are you guys planning on trying to get once you get out of school??? and does the hvcc help with job placement?

They can help with job placement, and most teachers will give you a good reference if you need it. After schooling Id like to get into DEA/ATF, or homeland security. Theres alot of other options, but those are my 1st choices…