Cruise to BC this Sunday

Hi all,

I’m new to this forum and relatively new to Calgary.

I moved from Southern Ontario where I managed and ran a alot of Southern Ontario’s meets, cruises, and the occational race day.

I’m planning a nice cruise to Radium Hot Springs, B.C this Sunday (Sept.13). I will be leaving in the morning sometime (time not determined yet).

It would be nice to meet some new people and enjoy a fun relaxing day with some of the Calgary Nissan scene.

Thanks in advance,

There is a Nissan Meet in Calgary this weekend

Pretty sure there will be no Edmonton guys

Well it’s nice to see new members out and welcome to Calgary! Sorry I don’t think that most of us will be able to join up on your cruise, but it does sound like a lot of fun. Personally I think that it is a little last minute, but that’s just me.

I do frequent the Timmy’s on Barlow and 61st and it is where quite a few enthusiasts, and some idiot (at times) meet.

Every Friday is Secret Street down at Race City (weather permitting). Tech is from 6:30 to about 9:30, and drag races happen till about 11:30/12 depending on how many people are there are how many people bail out (generally people start to leave at 10ish).

I don’t frequent on the forum as much as I would like but any PM’s are notified by e-mail and subsequently to my BlackBerry. So if you have any questions or would like to get to know Calgary a bit better, don’t hesitate to shoot me an e-mail.

Thanks for the reply,

It is a little bit last minute but I just all of a sudden decided to go for a nice drive in the mountains.

I’ve been here since Feb. of this year so I have acquired the “feeling” of the city now. haha

I’ll definetely chat you up on some things that require disscusion.

I’m hoping to go to the next weekly meet and looking forward to meeting more people in the flesh.

I’ll be setting up some more cool cruises in the next few weeks or months weather permitting, so I’ll be sure to post way in advance.


It looks like this will be happening this wekkend as last weekends plans fell through at the last minute.

It will either be sat or sun, I’ll know tomorrow what day.

The route will be Hwy 1 west past Banff and turn south on Hwy 93 at Castle Mountain untill it meets with Radium Hot Springs. Around 570 km total. (I like to actually drive my car)

If you would like to partake, please let me know.
