
The drinks are expensive. Figure $5 min per drink. They started cracking down on people bringing their own booze, but I took a bottle in the bag I checked and it was fine.

When you register to get on the boat, you leave your large luggage, and they bring it up to your room later (many hours later). Make sure you have a change of clothes or anything else you think you might need with you before giving up that bag.

I used a credit card for the Jeep I rented. It was a major chain.

I went on the Jeep ride in Aruba, that was pretty cool. $65 per peson, 4 of us went (that way you don’t have to share a vehicle with strangers) We took turns driving the Wrangler. They had a fleet of these things and they were all whipped. We got to see a lot of cool stuff. You are on their schedule though, so it’s not the same as renting the car. The upside is you go places you couldn’t go on you own.

I didn’t do many “excursions” as Royal Caribbean calls them. Most of them seemed a little pricey, and I prefer to do my own thing, that’s why I recommend renting a vehicle. I bought a snorkel at wal mart right before I left and took it with me so I wouldn’t have to use some nasty rented stuff, but the water was a little cloudy when I tried it, so I never really used it.

The food was great. It’s well worth going to the “formal” dinner every night.

You’ll have a great time. Which ship are you taking?