I’ve been throwing back and forth the idea of getting some of the trans gears and the stock differential cryotreated. The trans can take abuse, but not what I plan on putting out. I’ve done some reading up on it as well and feel this would be the best bang for the buck, but I would like some opinions on the subject. Cryotreating only makes the surface of the metal harder, which stops flex. In a trans would this be a wise idea?
i think it could work, but i think i remembering reading somewhere that you can overtreat the metal. Thus making it weaker than the original not treated piece. That could’ve happened to that kid’s input shaft on the 3000gt. If done right i think it would work.
Adjusting the metal’s grain boundaries and alignment by cryo treating can increase strength if done properly. Overtreatment is definitely a main concern when cryo-treating any part. There’s a fine line between strength and brittleness. You need some non-plastic deflection to keep the part from shatterring under load. The person doing this needs to be able to analyze the metal and understand the phase diagrams and you need to have a fairly consistent metal/alloy through out the part or else it could make it much weaker.