so how much?
any update on this?
if there at 20 or more people participating, how many runs do we get to practice and get familiarized with the layout?
how many competitive runs? is it side by side?
For updates check our site or email us. Unfortunatly we cannot monitor all the forums all the time.
Gymkhana Competition
$30 Pre-Registered, $40 at the track
(Park Admission Additional)
The past three years that we have run the gymkhana competition competitors get time to complete more runs then there car/driver will allow before being exhausted…keep in mind this is not the case if you arrive late.
There is one coarse it is not done side by side
The coarse layout is only revealed on the day of.
so its $30 for gymkhana + $18 to get into the show?
is it ???
Yeah Wats Going On? so everyone that watches is going to pay 18$ each?
so if you prepay its 30+ 18
without prepay its 40+ 18
$18 is admission just like at TMP the other month.
i just checked the CSCS website and there is like only 7 drivers registered for the drifting competition and 1 has a 96 civic?
im just tuning into CSCS now so is the list of drivers on the site so short because they are part of some kinda semi-final or is there a mad lack of participation?
^^its not drifting (although there it is for drift championship points) its gymkahna
i registered. now to find tires and instally my kaaz diff that hopefully holds up
see ya in the pits
For anyone that went last year, how many tires did you go through?
Im Going In My Koukieee
will thre be a tire mounting machine there?
mmmm tire mounting machine… . Ill be there before doors open.
Hey is anyone rolling from kitchener up to CSCS?
Yes!!! A bunch of us are meeting around 9:30 at the Euro Timmies (Kinzie and Weber St) and then leaving shortly after.
you will not go through many tires as the speeds are very low… like mostly 1st gear stuff… this will surely not favour the sr’s and people without diffs… although I heard only 1 of the top 3 last year had a turbo and it was on a KA.
hopefully my reg. gets in in time for the $30 dealeo.