CSCS Season Final - Sat. Oct. 6 2007 @ TMP Cayuga

You make it sound like you think we profit off the drifters. Take into account magnetic number plates for all the cars, all the neccesary paper work (registration sheets, judging sheets, rulebook…), the scafolding we set up to get a better view and properly judge, the trophies for 1st/2nd/3rd, the extra stereo equipment to announce the competitors name/number/car to the crowd (yes this was missing at the last event), the effort to put together a rulebook, the effort to update the site with a points system, renting the track, having all the necessary track tools (pylons, flags, brooms, oil dry…), have staff there to help run the event, im sure theres more but its 2:30 am and I only had a hour of sleep last night as we are preparing for Sat.

Take that and 15 cars at $60…and tell me how much profit you trully beleive we are walking away with…(btw there is only 8 cars pre-registered for sat, and we only had 4 pre-registered for Aug)

I dont want this thread to get ugly but these are just straight facts, TMP wont allow us to run more then two cars at a time and this is a competition not a practice…we are trying to set a competition for the drivers to aim for and want to improve there skills for…i am not saying or do i think we run our series perfectly but we try!

we are willing to run practice sessions if the drivers speak up and come out.