So, I take my accord to get garaged yesterday. Before putting the car cover on, I washed the car realizing one of my neighbors hit it while sitting in our parking lot. I know the car that hit it is my neighbor b/c he has my red paint along his bumper.
When I get home - before I confront the guy, I’m going to take some of my red paint from his bumper so I can send it to a lab to get a match if he doesn’t pay. I heard of others doing this but my search on the interweb came up with zero results. Anyone else heard of this?
I’m just trying to prove this is definitely the car that hit me.
Thanks fellas! Hope this doesn’t sound out of the ordinary haha.
definitely needs repainted. The panel is not dented but the paint is scraped to the metal in a 12" x 16" area. Lab testing is usually pretty reasonable in cost.
You can get a paint camera to get the formula for a color… however, its just going to tell you the factory paint code… and im sure your neighbor is not the only one with that same color / model… although if it comes up, then you know it is his. I would take a pic of his car and your car where the damage is, you usually can piece it together by where the damage is on his car and your car.
He should admit to it, as its ovious… but I have never heard of a lab to test paint… and even if there is, im sure its going to cost you more money to get the test done than to fix the car… if not it would be close im assuming.
Just ask him man to man, and if he cannot admit it… call one of your friends from the local PD
/\ what he said… confront him (take a pic of his bumper/yours for you records) and if he pusses out and claims it wasn’t him or he isn’t paying… threaten to call the caps for a hit and run, and if he still won’t come forward call the cops, report a hit and run… turn it in to insurance and get your check. If you have a reasonable idea who did it, the police if they can agree will prosecute him.
the fine for a hit and run with a parked car is from 50-350, 4 points and increased insurance premiums. It is in his best interest to pony up or turn it into his insurance…
So I confronted the fucking pig and he denies it! ha! I will post pics in a bit WITH a tape measure showing the exact area. He says the dmg on his car is from like 6 months ago…BS.
Last time I got hit on a hit and run, the insurance told me that if the cops could figure out who did it, they would pursue his insurance and not charge a deductible… unfortunately my damage was over 2k, so I had to turn it in no matter what… Sidesweeped, dent started below the side view mirror and ended over the rear wheel…