CSS Help

To all you web guys on here:

I am trying to establish a 3 column site basically with a background color, two thin columns and then a center column.

In Firefox it looks good, but in IE it looks like shit.

I want no top or bottom margin, and I want it to span the entire length of the document, but I cannot figure out what the fuck I’m doing wrong. I’ve been messing with CSS shit for all of about a week or so now, so my knowledge is minimal although I’m picking it up pretty quickly.

Here is the site:


CSS File:


Any help is appreciated.


i’d do the widths in percentages, rather than pixels.

and they look identical in Firefox and IE. Which versions are you using?

IE 6.0
Firefox 3.0.3

Is there any benefit for using the widths in % rather than pixels?

I’ll get the new IE and check it.

did you make a wrapper?

screen resolution of the person viewing the site.

if someone has a shitty PC, at 800x600, they can’t see that whole table.

if someone has a high end machine, running at some absurd resolution, your table will just look like a stripe in the middle of their screen.

I was reading about that, but I’m not sure on how to utilize it… Cliffs?

I got ya… yeah on my 20" widescreen it looked good. I’ll have to switch to %. I’ve been out of the web design for a while now.

The problem was my IE 6. It looks fine now.

try adding this to the first line of your css, * {margin:0; padding:0;}

i no off topic but reading the website… who is this lady… where she from… what she do… i ride horses and it became interesting to me lol…

It’s my girlfriend. She is an equestrian and horse trainer/instructor.


I have the <div> columns established, but anytime I get text that runs down below the page and gets a scroll bar, I lose the <div> columns.

The Page in question is http://www.equinekk.com/yogafaq.html scroll to the bottom.

any ideas?

add this to your style sheet under body,


sorry, height:100%;

Should look like this in your external stlye sheet

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
font-family:“Trebuchet MS”;
background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
font-size: 16px;

ps. might want to add some more fonts to your font family.

Damn I added height to everything else, if that’s the only issue I’ll be pissed… stupid CSS…

What is the benefit to adding more fonts to the family? Just curious.

Thanks for the help.

Did it work?

I wouldn’t use the word benefit here, replace it with rule of thumb. Reason why you use more then one font is the end-user may not have the font you requested in css. Hence if the user doesn’t have that font… Then no text will appear. Generally you just want to choose fonts that are similar to the first font in question.

edited: thats probably not going to work, after taking a closer look at your code… hah you made this WAY to complicated for what it is.

If you need any help hit me up on AIM

check out webdeveloper plugin to firefox… it allows you to mouse over any site and locate the style sheet info… you can also edit css on the fly in the browser to see the changes before you make them. naturally ie is going to be a pita… they don’t seem to follow standards and will always cause some minor issue… at least in my minimal experience.

Yeah looking into it more I could’ve done it a lot easier. I think my problem is I have overlapping <div> columns, and the top one has the text content whereas the one behind it doesn’t, and doesn’t stretch with the text.

I’ll look into it a little more and I might have to IM ya.

Thanks for the heads up, that would help. In my very minimal experience I have noticed that IE really is a pain, catering the code just so it conforms to IE.

sounds good… mozilla also has a plugin called IEtab, which you can open pages using the IE engine in firefox, which is nice for troubleshooting like this.

formatting sucks… post up your css if you need help.

I take it everything’s good to go now?

Yeah I tried to IM ya last night but you just signed off…

I had an issue with position:relative and the column wouldn’t go past the end of the content and not every page has text all the way down, so i needed to go to position:absolute.

Thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate it.