White borders on Internet Explorer 8 (Windows 7)

So I just had Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 installed on my work laptop, when viewing certain webpages there is a white border taking up 50% of the screen on the sides. Below is a screenshot example, this is also happening with websites like yahoo, google, ebay but Nyspeed actually looks normal and shows the full screen.
I’m using a 24" Widescreen monitor, have tried changing the aspect/resolution but nothing. All the pages looked perfect on this same monitor yesterday when I was running XP Prof…any ideas how to fix?

I think that’s just the way Criagslist is coded - that it doesn’t have a variable width and keeps to a set width. NYSpeed is coded to fit the width of your screen.

Maybe it looks like more white space than normal because the browser is zoomed out? That’s a possibility.

It is all how the site is coded. That is called a fixed layout whereas NYSpeed is a fluid layout.

PS: IE Sucks, download firefox.

+1 for code

PS: firefox sucks, download Chrome.

Yeah, you may not be used to a wide screen

ps: chrome sucks download opera

hit ctrl 0 to zoom back to normal. you may have accidentally zoomed in at one point.

I am used to the screen, I have used this same monitor for a few months…with craigslist and all other websites filling out the whole screen with no borders. I have already tried Chrome and same thing, and I checked and not zoomed in at all either.
Here is Yahoo, before (same monitor but running XP) it would fill the full screen with no distortion…now with Windows 7 its basically like a 10" screen UGH

Are there any other websites that would be coded to fit my screen that I could test???

It’s a common misconception that large monitors will show everything larger. Large monitors are designed to give you more screen real estate, not make things bigger.

for example, you should be able to minimize that window, make the window match the size of the yahoo page width wise (shrink the width until it fits without a scroll-bar on the bottom). Then you will have more desktop space for another window with email or chat windows or something.

I am on a 23" monitor right now and my browser window is taking up less than half of the screen.

If you want shit to be bigger, you’re going to need to LOWER the resolution of the monitor. It won’t look as sharp that way though.

The websites are set to a fixed-width ratio. I use FF for all my browsing, and if I need IE, I use the IE9 Beta which on something will load faster than FF. Especially if you use the HTML5 version of Youtube. You can zoom the page using the slide in the bottom right of the window if you really want.

Just started using IE 9 Beta, overall feel/look is much better…thanks for the help.