Son is no longer 1024x768 compatible?

So, since those new banners went in a few days ago I now have to side scroll in ie to read both sides of the forum index… I know you’re thinking buy a new laptop, but I like this one. How about fixing the webpage so I don’t have to buy a new laptop.

maybe mozilla firefox will fix it?

chris screw you and ur damm fire fox!!! internet explorer is where its at

firefox +1

I’m not feeling this new set-up. It’s kind of an annoyance having to scroll sideways all the time. Just to check my PM’s.

i have no resizing problems at all, i have a regular tube monitor also just a thought to try firefox tho. and its free and the best browser ever i belive.

Weird, I’m 1024x768 and I’m fine running IE

it’s off for me too.

we’re going to look at changing things up a bit to make the forum easier to view.

I think it should look OK now in 1024x768.

Can some of you confirm?

looks good now i dont have to scroll down and side to side thanks :smiley:

I actually just switched to firefox2 today. It didn’t change anything other than how ridiculously fast everything loads.

i still have to scroll side to side

firefox FTL

IE is pimp

The banners in the middle aren’t standard sizes and are just a tad over 1000px in total when combined side-to-side.

If you are still using 1024 resolution, please get back in the DeLorean and return to 2008.

just press the auto ajust on ur screen people it works !!! thats all you have to do!!

Lawl, srsly, who uses 1024768 anymore? 12801024 @ home, 1600*1200 @ wark :wink:

i use 1024X748 because i have a laptop. Not all of us are rich and can afford new things every years. some of us are stuck with laptops from 2 years ago. We arent all loaded like urself solarian! :stuck_out_tongue:

I unno, my laptop is pretty old, it’s like atleast 4 years old, and it does 1280*800. But I gotta say, now even at 1280 I have to scroll on the main page. Some fixins is in order.

Im running it on 1920*1200 so i got no complains and im on firefox

Ie and Firefox is weak yo. Man up and download Opera 9.51. Its basically firefox but ultra fast YO!