im a normal IE user trying to make the conversion over to firefox. im just concerned over one thing right now with firefox. when i go on some myspace pages, the page doesnt fit the window right. i have to scroll to the right to see things on the right size. if i view the pages using IE, they fit the window fine. is there an option in the options menu that would fix this?
don’t go on myspace, problem fixed
give me an example myspace page that you are having that problem with and I’ll see if I have the same one
I have this problem with one other forum I read with Firefox too. I’ve yet to figure out how to fix it.
im just gonna use a link from the other myspace thread thats up:
even tho theres pictures on that main page, theres pages that dont have pics but still look like that. btw, that myspace girl is disgusting
using the latest version? imo, especially with ie7 now having tabs, firefox is somewhat of a pita. Main reason being is that it’s not easy to get windows media embedded pages to show up (no idea why it doesnt have a plugin avalible). So I’d find myself alot of the time going back and forth between the 2
yea i wanted to start using firefox cus some sites, like, wont load when uing IE. and i have been using the newest version of firefox. so i guess ill switch between the 2 as well.
there’s a plugin for firefox for shit like this. you can right-click the link and open it up in a “IE tab” and that page loads up in Firefox as it would in IE.
I had alot of problems with that plug in… maybe I just had a bad release though