CTS-V > E92 M3

jebus - my Forza 4 times are about 45 seconds off reality.

This reminds me a three separate run-ins I’ve had with a CTS-V coupe a couple years ago. Each time on a road that rhymes with 300, all about 6:15 p.m.

  1. I’m in a 1994 G20 w/ 275k on the clock. Nice, open, 2 clear lanes, straight section see some nice headlights approaching from rear, I’m cruising @ 75. I pull to the right lane to let this guy by, black car is doing 120 ish and passes by. Next exit is 3 miles ahead and I am just hoping he is going my way. I down shift to 4th, half throttle it up to 95, keeping him in sights about 1/2 mile ahead of me. He catches light traffic, I slow, because I don’t want to close in too fast. He signals for my exit and is about 1/4 mile ahead of me. I floor it back up to 95, he brakes, I stay in it and close a 1000’ gap in 8 seconds. I’m on his bumper by the time he turns in the down ramp, and I can see his half rainbow V. This is a single lane 3/4 circle ramp. I pull my left fender up to his right rear wheel. I then slam the brakes, cut the wheel to the left, floor it and pull my right front fender up to his left rear wheel. Slam on the brakes again, give him 10 car lengths, and again I pull my left fender up to his passenger door. I back off for corner exit, once he gets his wheels pointed straight he rips it up to 80+ on a 45 road.

  2. About a month later, I’m in same G20, same time of night, same section of road, and here comes the head lights again. Another 120+ flyby. Same routine, I keep him in my sights, but I didn’t want to be on him on corner entry so I gave him more room when he got to turn in… too much slack this time. I had to brake way late, turn in, this is slightly down hill and I’m in a 4 wheel under steer catching up to him. We’re about half way through the 3/4 circle before I catch him, this time I pull my left front fender even with his passenger front wheel. I don’t have confidence in him to pass, hard on the brake and set-up to pass him on corner exit, looking left and behind for oncoming traffic. No traffic, give him 5 cars so I can get a run on him, drive across to the far left lane, and pull even with. He straightens out wheels and pull hard. I tried to catch up to him at a light, but he wouldn’t look over, he was driving aggressively in traffic to get away by the next light.

  3. Maybe a month or so later. This time I’m in a 2001 Ford Taurus, the “slow” OHV version. Same spot, same head lights, same 120 fly by. Being auto, and slow, I had to floor it to keep my pace. I knew the braking, and turn in wasn’t going to be as good as the G20 so I only gave up 700 ish feet on his turn in, and probably caught him within the first 300 feet of the ramp. Pulled my left front fender up to his passenger door, and backed off. As soon as he straightened out the wheels he floored it.

Yup, those Vs sure are good AFTER ramps.

I am sure the driver skill/risk level has nothing to do with it. Otherwise I am pissed I traded in my 2001 Taurus.
But yes the V carries weight into the corners.

what does a V run in a 1/4?

if the M3 was stock and not in sport mode he is easy prey… with some mild work and in sport mode the car is a whole different animal and it might have been much closer.

Low 12’s. They published 12.0 but ~12.3 seems more realistic.

But sport mode doesn’t add any power. Maybe intake, pulley, catless xpipe and tune would put them on an even playing field though.

doesnt need to add power to make the car faster…

faster shifts and sharper throttle input will make noticeably more efficient use of the existing power.