Cuban Crisis, making an effort

hahahahahaha im not even buying a hoodie…

i <3 you john :wink:

i know you think im going to rip these people off zero but your wrong, im not handling the money… so i don’t see how that would happen?

Sureshot you can tell kim where you want your name embroidered she will put it anywhere you want for the extra 10 dollars…

ALSO can we get the hoodie order thread bad please? so that way people know sizing and price?

no one is. they are just donating money to chino via a middle man

i <3 your wearing a hat with a suit every morning when you drive past me. classy :slight_smile:


no one is. they are just donating money to chino via a middle man

i <3 your wearing a hat with a suit every morning when you drive past me. classy :slight_smile:


lol…wtf. I don’t wear a suit

when do you drive by me?

im wearing a white polo and khakis if you really care that much. No hat :wink:

no one is donating money to chino… the lady there is not going to give anyone any money… im paying jim off with my own money… the money people give to kim is FOR HOODIES thats it.


i know you think im going to rip these people off zero but your wrong, im not handling the money… so i don’t see how that would happen?

Sureshot you can tell kim where you want your name embroidered she will put it anywhere you want for the extra 10 dollars…

ALSO can we get the hoodie order thread bad please? so that way people know sizing and price?


just throw together a blog or something about it real quick

a blog? and post it where?
i don’t want to start a new thread and get into trouble already lol thats not my goal.
If the thread can be brought back then hey cool
if not then i will ask if i can start another.

the thread is about letting u back on the forum.

i knew u through a friend way before all this car forum bullshit, you’re a tool and always will be. not to mention a thief, CHRONIC LIAR (look how many different profiles and stories u came up with), and supposed / wannabe AE/AF model. LOL LOL

apparently u just really have no friends, and will beg, plead, and suck nuts in order to try and be accepted… i’m sorry but i just pity that and i pity anyone who would be friends with someone like that.

except chino, for trying to get his money back.


well if you could careless then why speak when this has nothing to do with you at all?
im trying to right my wrongs and show that im not the person i have been made out to be…
sorry if that has some kind of unsatisfactory taste in your mouth but then again this thread is mainly about me paying jim back


first off inever met you thru anyone… i know who you are jay slater … and talk about me being a tool is fine but you are such in comparison
Jeff Lowery is not anymore of a tool then you are back when you used to think your camaro was the fastest thing around
i never actually met you period.
i never talked to you said anything you
you saw me at lowery’s house and assumed you knew me… well you don’t so please stop acting as such

Yes all the troll account names i came back with i made up stories yeah i apologized for that and it was to see what was going on here…

im not a thief, i have never stolen anything from anyone ever!
so unless you have proof of such to back your claims please :gtfo:

ah yes the infamous abercrombie and fitch picture…
on here under a troll account maybe and also on a few aim convo’s only because i knew who was imming me did i claim that i was yes… obviously anyone with half a brain knew better… so if you are that then gullible is written on the ceiling.
It was a picture i photoshopped way back when , when i first started learning how to use it so sue me.

and this has nothing to do with me not having friends or blah blah blah i was fine with everyone here until i started acting immature and unreasonable. That was my fault yes and i apologize again.
the reason i keep coming back here is simply this… like most of you who signed up i love cars… i love reading about them i love driving them i would love to attend the events even though 3g’s suck at everything pretty much
but its part of belonging to something that i like. which is cars which is why i am here./

You REALLY have the audacity to keep making accounts?

I’ll give you and jim 2 hours to exchange e-mail address/phone numbers.

Jim can keep us updated if he wants as to how you paid him back.

I think “lying to the admin of the board and making him waste a shitload of time on you”, not once, but many times - gives us plenty of grounds to permaban you.

Not to mention the fact that instead of asking me, or anyone else, you just decided to come up with different names to sign back on.

Mucho lack of disrespect = go fuck yourself.

You have till noon today to exchange info. Then, have a nice life.


first off inever met you thru anyone… i know who you are jay slater … and talk about me being a tool is fine but you are such in comparison
Jeff Lowery is not anymore of a tool then you are back when you used to think your camaro was the fastest thing around
i never actually met you period.
i never talked to you said anything you
you saw me at lowery’s house and assumed you knew me… well you don’t so please stop acting as such



I didn’t like you…you just totally redeemed your self.


…but its part of belonging to something that i like. which is cars which is why i am here./


But no one likes you, so join a specialized car forum. Bag.


But no one likes you, so join a specialized car forum. Bag.


only reason is because of the chino bandwagon hate towards me… had that not have happened then neither would any of this

Well if you guys still are serious about the hoodies i obviously won’t be here to see it through so im sorry for that as well.
I guess if people really want one they can still go see kim and as long as you guys get your orders in then i don’t see why you can’t still get these.

Wow… listen, I am not trying to make decisions for the fucking forum, so zerodaze please relax.

I felt that I started everyone hating him, which may or may not be true, so as he is trying to make it right with me I felt the need to also show that he was trying to pay me back.

That is just because it is the kind of person I am, so you can talk shit about me however the fuck you want for being straight forward…

Regardless, whatever happens, happens. I did not know any of the details about why he was banned. I simply said, if it is because of the transaction between us, let it go, i’m over it. If it is because of other reasons it has nothing to do with me, so whatever.

i agree with you jim and howie… i should have told howie that i wanted to come back to square things with you instead of trolling for so long that is my fault however i thought same as everyone else if he hated me that he wouldn’t listen to what i had to say… i must have been wrong so im sorry.

lol at trusting him. he’s a con artist but not a good one. he’s good at being fake and doesn’t hesitate to do so. why can he only communicate via a car forum? if he only owes chino a couple hundred why doesn’t he get a cc and take a cash advance? because of the interest? fuck him it’s been costing the lender lost interest for years right? why is he picking up all the hoodies?

don’t believe every warm fuzzy story you hear, especially when it comes from someone who has proven over and over to be fake and there huge gaping holes in his logic.

If he’s going to be given a second chance it should be when chino’s paid in full, aka when he’s actually proven something not just done the bare minimum to gain a little credibility.


lol at trusting him. he’s a con artist but not a good one. he’s good at being fake and doesn’t hesitate to do so. why can he only communicate via a car forum? if he only owes chino a couple hundred why doesn’t he get a cc and take a cash advance? because of the interest? fuck him it’s been costing the lender lost interest for years right? why is he picking up all the hoodies?

don’t believe every warm fuzzy story you hear, especially when it comes from someone who has proven over and over to be fake and there huge gaping holes in his logic.

If he’s going to be given a second chance it should be when chino’s paid in full, aka when he’s actually proven something not just done the bare minimum to gain a little credibility.


I totally agree with you…wait until Jim is paid in full before thinking about giving this guy a another chance…actions speak louder than words!!!


i agree with you jim and howie… i should have told howie that i wanted to come back to square things with you instead of trolling for so long that is my fault however i thought same as everyone else if he hated me that he wouldn’t listen to what i had to say… i must have been wrong so im sorry.


Im not expert in this but if i was you i might try this idea im gonna offer you. take it one step at a time you have about 31 minutes to save your ass so start with howie pm him be sincere and pray for a miracle if that works then work your way to zerodaze and the other mods one by one. That is if you are truly serious because a post in a thread doesnt offer the amount of sincerity you may or may not have. but good luck to you however this works out for you.

already sent howie a pm explaining the apology for the lack of respect and the wasting of his time. If he feels liek giving me a second chance then awesome if not then i deserve that.

I, like beck who got a second and third and i think maybe even 4th chance, would like to remain here on a second chance… if i mess that up then i have no problems never returning.

thanks for the advice aFrank but already got to howie
doubt any of the mods would even care what i have to say or would even read the pm

someone post those pics of him acting like a model and acting like superman. epic lulz.