Cuff Links

fuck you man…im both !!! :2fingers:


I just piked a set up of Ben Sherman cuff links in NY for $20.00 @ Filene’s Basement. Go on Amazon they have some really nice ones on there for about $5 more.

Any department store will have links. Maxx, Marshalls, SteinMart, Burlington should have cheap ones.
Personnaly I had a jeweler make a set out of a couple of mercury head dimes.

TJ maxx has some “designer” ones for like 9-15 bucks.

james bond had some pretty pimp links didnt he??

James Bond had some pretty pimp everything

i was always disappointed that he didnt have his own midget… he could make an airplane out of a car, but couldnt find a way to carry just one single stinkin midget in any of his gadgets… just think how handy lil reggie would be, sneak him into places to get info, drug people, tie peoples shoe laces together under the table… the possibilities are truely endless

Tjmaxx for the win thx guys picked up a set for 12.99 small selection but i got what i wanted

good i was sick of hearing u bitch…go cry in the corner emo kid.