Curb/phonepole+Snow vs siq 3rd gen ~Pics Inside!~

making simple turns on ice and snow is not as easy in a camaro… lets start the you cant drive bashing. lol.

better pics and info tommorow

that isnt bad at all

cant tell in the pics but pieces of the rim are missing and the rear wheel is bent and so is the front.

Were you at least listening to Disturbed?


Obviously he wasn’t, if he was the pole would have gotten the out of the way.

You want the $5 for that wheel?

doesn’t look like it was in great shape to begin with.

how’s the subframe/trailing arm/control arms?

do camaros even have those?

They have Lower control arms on the back…

the wheels are 250 each from summit. im just gonna buy american racing steelies.

snow tires > you.


this car has never seen snow until this year and never will again. snow tires are for cars you planned on driving through snow with.

I never had a problem in any of my RWD GM’s in the snow, they weren’t great but I could handle them. +1 for learn to drive in the snow.

you havent driven my car. you werent driving it where i was. you dont know how the whole incident happened. driving in the snow is not hard. driving in the snow on summer tires with half life left in them in a fucked up transmaro bird is what i was learning to do. i learned it cannot be done gracefully.

I rocked my 3rd gen bird on bald summer tires without heat for years in the witner, no prob. If you had disturbed on in your 3rd gen, that was your problem. Try AC/DC for cruising and Metallica when you get stuck.

your thirdgen was prolly a beateresque car. my car however, is not. it is not setup for playing in the snow.

then obviously ur prioritys arnt correct in your life if ur driving in winter in a unsafe automobile.

No mullet.

Its supposed to be all business up front and all party out back. The phone pole saw your lack of awesome hair and done smacked your bitch up. Had you also been listening to disturbed, the telephone pole would have shattered out of sheer amazement. You brought this all on yourself.



here come all of the “i-used-to-drive-my-600hp-rwd-1-wheel-peel-car-with-bald-and-oil-coated-tires-
and-i-never-had-a-single-problem” comments.

I had an awd talon with bald 17’s and it was NOT fun to drive in more than .1inch of snow. Actually, it was pretty impossible.

Talons are light, float on the snow.

I miss my RWD conversion van