Cure found for AIDS!!!

I will never understand why people do not get tested. You are a moron not too.

Get tested, wrap it up, and give a condom to your buddy before he bangs some random girl.

Delta 32. Google it. Learn something.


Fuck, I woke up this morning and “AIDS” was tattoo’d in big red letters on my left nut and “I HAVE” on my right :gotme:


do you glow in the dark too?

i would get aids just so i could… i wouldnt need that night light in the bathroom anymore.


i would get aids just so i could… i wouldnt need that night light in the bathroom anymore.


Not to mention THE BEST pickup line ever.

where was this when i had foot aids?


I just think testing should be mandatory. If they find out you have it you have to get a tattoo or some other kind of marking/bracelet that can be hidden during everyday activities but can be checked before you perform any sexual activities.



Nothing like branding babies!


While we’re at it, let’s brand people who have IQs that aren’t genius level…or who have a family history that might have a higher risk for heart disease, I wouldn’t want to risk breeding with someone who might produce sub-perfect offspring.

We are all electronically branded already.
Give it another few years and nothing will be private.


We are all electronically branded already.
Give it another few years and nothing will be private.


Oh stop…how are we electronically branded?

Some old twat told me she didn’t want to use her bonuscard because it would leave a record of what she bought.

I told her that Big Brother heard her say that.

Serves her right…


Some old twat told me she didn’t want to use her bonuscard because it would leave a record of what she bought.

I told her that Big Brother heard her say that.



Now that there is a cure we could stop wasting our money in Africa.


Oh stop…how are we electronically branded?


im pretty sure everyone on this forum has a SSN.


im pretty sure everyone on this forum has a SSN.

