cusco cage question

is there a reason your not considering a weld in cage? As far as cost they are close… maybe more if someone professionally installs it for you. But chassis will be more stiff and if you were thinking of putting in seats and using a harness it would already be there for you and also the safety thing as well. It just doesn’t look like an area I’d be cheaping out on.

looking for something that can somewhat be removable… trust me i dont cheap out…

edit: still considering all options, my main point of this thread was wondering if the shell was different for some 180s, seeing as how some cusco cages were only specified for certain years.

weld in is definetly a possibility, trying to keep my car slightly legal lol.

i found this… from bings meet last year… anyone know whos car this is???

looks alot like the cusco cage i posted above…

looks nice

doubt it would handle it’s job properly

roll cages are common sense. Build a house for example. think of it that way.

i have helped build 3 12-point cages. it’s not easy. time consuming. but it’s rewarding knowing that the car can go through a brick wall and roll over a billion times and the driver will live. bends = no. and jedi said it very very well

although the rules have probably changed AGAIN. as they do every year.

Cops were either nice “meaning they weren’t dicks” or they just didn’t know any better.

As far as Insurance… its because you appraised the car so I assume there for, have it insured as is and for its appraised value. Meaning, you are paying for the cage “one way of putting it”. But simply slapping in a Cage, 90% of Insurance Companies will cancel coverage. Mine would only Insure me because I told them it was A) Removable and B) Was a Promotional Tool for the Business only to be installed when needed but I required Insurance to drive the Vehicle from point A - B.

With the MTO. If you read into the Highway Traffic Act it states that if you add any Bars, Tubes or “Safety Device” it must meet proper specifications and be approved where approval can be given. But also must comply with a MTO Safety Inspection meaning no Bars can Block or Obstruct Vision throu any Window or Mirror. You must be able to Roll the Windows Up and Down if they are Manual Operated in a effortless fashion with no interference from the Bars or Tubing. And lastly, you must be able to get In and Out of the Vehicle in an Easily and Effortless Manor.

Long and Short… They want to know the Cage is actually going to save you and not cause injury and that if you do get into an accident they can actually remove you from the car easily or would the cage interfere.

Now obviously not many people go throu this as I personally only know of a handful of people who have and they were all older gentlemen who competed in the Targa Rally but wanted to be able to use their Race Cars on the Streets to show off.


This is true, i should have mentioned that my insurance is based on the appraisal value of my car. No insurance companies would touch my car without the opcf 19a policy, most companies wouldnt even continue after hearing right hand drive.