ok well i had a huge ass bandpass box for my 2 JL W1V2’s and i tried to get it in the trunk of the 240 (it was hard to get in the sentra) and it was not gonna happen so i have them ontop of my back seats, anyone know where i could get a custom box quote? or anyone on here good with wood? :ninja
just tryin to open my options, sound is high priority in my cars haha :ahh
Audio Obsessions in Colonie. They did a lot of work for me back in the day. (I went through 3 setups during high school) I was always impressed with their work.
what applications were they and how much did they run ya (if you dont mind me asking)
just don’t go to east coast. u might have trouble getting a quote lol.
well i could always set up an appt. so they give me a total, and call back and re-scedual and then call back and cancel. thats how we used to get free diag at shops (shhhhh) 
I forget prices, but i’ll guestimate. Also, I generally used middle grade speakers/amps, the same things could cost more/less with different parts.
single 10" in a ported box with amp - 250-300
dual 10’s in a ported box with amp that ‘walled’ off the trunk. Looked like it was built into the car. When you folded down the back seats you saw the amp, looked like it came that way factory. - 700ish
This was the crazy one:
-same two tens in a ported tub that fit into the spare tire well - I made that, like 200 in materials and 24 hours of work
-They created a false floor to cover the tub that displayed the subs and two amps (one mono for subs, one 2 channel for front speakers) with ricer blue lights.
-Up front they put new speakers in the doors and tweeters in the pillars. Moved my deck down and install a flip out screen i got on ebay.
-The trunk lid got a 15" screen and two more speakers. When the trunk opened the speaker amp switched from powering the fronts to those.
-screens hooked up to a xbox, which i supplied.
All that for like 3000-3500. Most of that was labor, we reused the subs and one amp, I had the flip out screen and deck, I had the xbox.
All this was like 4-5 years ago, so prices might be a lil different now.
holy FAK i just need a box that is built well and looks good in the trunk lol i got the subs and everything is installed i just need a box lol
precision in CP is really good…
im also pretty good w. wood… :ninja
I can build pretty good boxes in my woodshop but I just don’t have the time right now.
i could do it if i had the space/shop to do it…it would give me an excuse to get away from my controlling gf for a few hours/afernoon…lol:rofl
ive been building enclosures for a while now. i dont charge for that kind of thing.
WOODSHOP!?!?!? :excited
well i gotta build one soon, i dont have much as far as wood working tools
you dont need all that much actually. a circular saw, a router and a cordless drill are the essentials, which are enough. those are the only things that were used when i built my enclosure thats in the car right now. it’s not really that bad. most of the people on here will be able to do it. i can help out if you want. its really not a big deal. you’d be surprised how simple some of the stuff can be once a person thats done it stands over you and tell you what to do. after youre done, youll be going “oh man, that was a LOT easier than I thought”. let me know if you want some help on building yours.
deff man, i have built 3 boxes before, one i still have cause it wasnt that bad, i used a sawzall cause it worked better than our jogsaw to cut the goles, i have a chop saw and a table saw, and a drill, i just suck with measurments and shit, like it will look good and then i go to put it together and something will be like 1/2’’ off also the size i need for the subs, idk what size w1’s are rated for…ill let ya know in a few weeks maybe by then steves car will be done and we can have a fuckin box party
JL will have specs for enclosures on their site. or you could just do what I did, I called them directly and talked to a tech there and explained what I have, what I want from it and where its going, whats powering it and then they emailed me a pdf with the enclosure plans on it that would suit me. you could also make use of numerous enclosure calculators on the web. these are VERY usefull if youre under constraits for height or width or something like that. theyre easy to use and once you get a few numbers from that, you can proceed to cut the mdf. i found it best to have things on paper. its kinda tough to hold all that in your head and not mess up.
on a side note, what type of music do you usually listen to?
this is where things get wierd, i program multiple settings in my headunit for each type of music, here is a list lol: techno (house, hardcore, heardstyle, trance and happy hardcore) metal, rap and some rock lol i love my bandpass box but idk i want something to look nice back there and not take up the whole trunk, and i have found seperate boxes dont sound too good (homemade but oh well) so idk what i want what u think?
im thinkin you can do well with a sealed box and you will need some time to tune it to where its right. those presets are not as good as you think IMO. the way they tune is theyll raise certain frequencies to emphacise a certain range of sound to make it seem more prominent. each music style has that “Sweet spot” in the sound range that makes it stand out in particular. if you tune it right all those will sound good on the one proper setting. i tuned my equipment slightly different from that. i tune it how a recording studio would. i actually drop certain frequencies that are around the spot i want more prominent. it’s a bit technical, but it comes out sounding quite nice. you should come out this weekend(provided its nice out) and bring some of your favorite music with you. bring it on an ipod, laptop, or mp3 disc or cd’s. you can check it out in my car on the one setting that ive got and then tell me what you think and we can go from there.
i dont use the presets i tune it myself and save it but, either way, i got all my music on my phone and lately i have been listening to the new eminem cd so…ill be out and about…sealed box is cool, i need to get a new amp soon though idk what i should get for the w1’s my cousin just got a kenwood 1000 for 125$ on onlinestereo.com or some shit like that but idk what to get
get the best one you possibly can
With 240’s there isn’t much room to fit a 12" sub in the trunk. In my S13 I had to make the box ~13.5" tall and wide as fuck to make a slot port box fit (and I still couldn’t fit it under the rear speaker deck). I think I might actually puss out and run a 10" sub with a sealed box, even though I never liked the sound of a 10".