what and where to get car audio

looking for opinions on subs and an amp. dont want to spend alot, but want it to hit hard. where should i go to buy the stuff and have it installed?? thanks for any advice.


Rainbow Tint (BDR50H and BDR LT1)
Custom Radio
Kustom Workz.
Couple guys here work at Circuit City and Stereo Advantage

My car audio comes from Subaru.

We’ve got a couple of good deals right now at Circuit City, stop by the Cheektowaga store and check them out.

Shame on you Chris!

Rainbow all the way FTW!

Kustom Workz

Buy the stuff- ebay.
Install it- places listed.

Seriously, you can get brand new stuff for less than half of retail most of the time

EDIT: Just make sure you keep it name brand. Stay away from pyramid, pyle, and the like.

If you want hard hitting and low cost then don’t go too big. In general, the bigger the sub the bigger and more expensive the amp needed to drive it. What kind of budget are you talking?

IMO definitely DIY install. Roll your own wiring, don’t buy a kit. Spend the money on the sub/amp/enclosure not on brand name wires and connectors.

really didnt want to spend more than a couple hundred bucks. my wiring skillz are teh suck that why i wanted a place to do an install, plus its a brand new car so any fuck ups, and someone else is responsible, not me.

I would try eBay first, and have people from the boards help you install it, I did all of my own installs and I have had a lot. but if your not up for doing that…
Try these guys… Good guys and they have good prices

B&R Auto Accessories
303 Main St.
North Tonawanda, NY 14120

coughget an ECLIPSE head unit cough

they ruckin fule :tup:

Let me just say, your not gonna get much for a couple hundred $$$$$, especially installed.

I have the MTX road thunder kit from Circuit city, it 300 bucks and hits hard enough for most people. im getting better shit soon.

O’rLY? ill look into that. i think im gonna get my subs off ebay and build my own box and then get an amp somewhere and have it installed. i should be able to save $$$ that way


There are some brands to steer clear of. Audiophonics being one of them. Post the Ebay links here and either i or others will help you out. I know a little about car audio, as to which brands are good, the thing is when looking at an amp, make sure it has RMS watts listed. that tells you its REAL power. The typical watt rating like 1000 is PEAK which is what it can do once and usually when its cold and on one particular frequency.

My amp the Road thunder something ruther, is 37 watts RMS, but its rated at 250 peak.

A very simple way to figure out the rough RMS from peak is divide by 4. Its not perfect by any means, but it gives a rough guess as to where it stands.

Subwoofer watt ratings are also in peak.

Why not install it yourself? There are plenty of people here who could help out.

well if i can find someone who know what they are doing and could help me wire my amp, i can do the rest myself. of course id be more than happy to throw some beer, or cash their way to for helping…

Kustom Workz, nice guys and they never try to push u into buying more expensive stuff.