custom box

easily fixed. you can use whats called trim rings. i prefer to make my own panels using the door itself to design them, but the rings are the simplest way around it. they allow you to bolt on a different speaker to the door. you just need to do a little measuring to make sure the door panel goes back on and youre okay. its super simple, really. you yank the OEM speaker and toss it. use self tapping screws to attach the trim rings to the metal on the doors. then you bolt on the new speakers to the trim rings and you’re set. i recomend using at least the speaker kit of dynamat to place it over the trim rings. this helps to cover up the gaps that will most likely be there between the door and trim rings and will help reduce the vibration around where the speaker is mounted on the door.
personally i dont like drivers(whatever speaker, subs or mids or tweets) that are not round. all those other shapes companies came up with like hexagons, triangles and squares and everything else is silly to me. i can explain why if u want me to.