does anyone know of good car audio forums?

yeah, anyone know of sites that have good car audio forums or sites that have a lot of do it yourself info, things like that?

Evan just call me and I will tell you whats good and how to throw it in. Most important part is getting an amp that matches the ohm’s for your subs so your using all the power, not just half like I see everyone do all the time! I used to be a big audio pimp but not anymore. Just a lil on the side!

oh well i know enough about matching power and wattages and amps and stuff… what i really want to know is what the resin is that they use when they make custom boxes…

any old fiberglass resin works fine. Now you need ot match your wedge to your car and port size and area for what hertz you want your system to run. hehe

for that shit allen, i will come to you… cus i dont have a clue what you just said, but i think that was the idea right? say some shit to confuse me? or something like that.

I used to use chunks of Styrofoam and throw it in my box, play 50hz and take apart the box to find dead spots. I also find that having a perfect box all resined up doesn’t work as good or won’t be as loud as a shitty box. You car vibrates to the tones and your box needs to match your car as close as it can to keep on the same frequency. I have some 18" strokers and had only 2 planet 2250D’s and was hitting 158DB on a RTA mike. Its all in the box and your port and wedge. This was in ols DB drag classes SS1-2 no wall. Just a couple boxed behind the front seat.

Just a lil something more for you Mr.Evan :slight_smile: