Customers and friends please take note.

As many of you know, Capital Region Customs is owned and operated by myself (Mike), my brother Kevin, Chris and Eric, all of which have full time jobs outside of CRC. Work is booked by appointment to be completed week nights and weekends. With that being said, productivity during those times must be maximized or we will fall behind. The 6 hours we get (leaving at midnight or later) every night during the week and the 12 hour+ weekends are consumed very quickly and easily side tracked from visitors and people wanting to “help” with their cars and hang out. We have no problem being friendly, as you all know, but we kindly ask that the visits be kept to a “hows my car coming” conversation for 10-15 minutes or so. Cars are safe on the premiss and insured while on our property. We ask that they be dropped off then picked back up after the work is completed. They can be dropped off 24/7, safe and secure, we dont necessarily need to be there to receive them, unless you feel more comfortable we are, its up to you.

From a standpoint of liability, we cant have people completing any work in the shop not employed by us. That should be a given. I know there are talented people here that can spin a wrench too, but its a whole different story when 4 family’s well-being is on the line keeping the shop doors open, please respect that when you are here.

With that being said, the shop is exceeding our expectations already. Last count a few days ago the customer car count on the lot was at 18, 4 more inside and 9 more being our personal projects! That’s a lot of “side work” for 4 guys to complete!!! So now you know the importance of the statements above.

We are all looking forward to one of the most optimistic summers in our lives… there will be tire smoke out front of the shop for a long time to come!

Thank you for your time.