Customs Question for importing car. ATTN Minglor?!

My grandma is giving me her old car. It’s a 1990 Civic hatch, however it was purchased and kept in Canada. I already have the letter of compliance from Honda and fully understand the paperwork required to eventually get this registered properly here. However, I am wondering if I can put my insurance on it, and drive it across the border. It is still registered in Canada and has plates under my grandmother’s name. Would I be allowed to drive it across and have it inspected without having to tow it? I only ask because I’m having trouble finding the resources to tow this thing at the moment and it would be MUCH simpler if I could just drive it.

Any help is appreciated. Just trying to avoid a headache when I cross.

just get the title and put US plates on it first.

Do you have canadian citizen ship ??? if so wouldn’t you be able to register and insure it in canada, drive it over and take it off the road, then re-register it here ? Just a thought, No knowledge what so ever haha

what am i chopped liver?

this no workie.

your best bet would be to just have your grandmother leave the ins on the veh and make sure that its registered and legal to drive in canada then drive it over and import it. no biggie.

so I assume the car has to get a customs inspection or something like that before it can be registered?

have grandma drive the car to you and then give her a ride back. --> border patrol officer “does this car belong to you? why are you trying to drive it over the border then? oh she gaaave it to you huh? come with me son.”

Do you really want a 1990 hatch that bad? Sell it in Canada.



Or what glitch said, it is winter beater time, I’m sure you’ll get plenty for it.

The car is of more use to me to keep it. I need something cheap until I move back to Hawaii in January. I don’t want to sell this, buy something else then sell that later.

I’m going to call the g-ma and see if she can bring it over for me. My biggest concern was addressed by travisn then confirmed by minglor. I didn’t think it would fly if I tried to drive it across myself with it not being mine…yet.

Why not just spend the $30 or $40 to rent a uhaul tow dolly for the day and get someone with a truck to help you bring it across properly? If you have the proper compliance paperwork it only takes about 20 minutes. And I’m not speculating or guessing based on something I read… I did this with the 92 Geo Tracker I used to own and purchased in Ontario. It had the DOT label but not the EPA (or the other way around, I can’t remember), but all I did was get a fax from GM saying it was in compliance and brought that with me. You pay the sales tax at customs (and get a receipt so you don’t have to pay it again when you register), they verify your paperwork and you’re good to go.

Depending on the country of manufacture you may also end up paying duty. In the case of the Tracker it was Canada so under NAFTA rules I didn’t have to pay duty.

I know what’s involved. I imported a 1988 Cavalier before with no issues. The problem I’m having is finding someone with a truck to help me go get it. That’s my preferred option but I’m SOL if I can’t get a truck.

How far into Canada are we talking? If it’s nearby I’ll have time this weekend to give you a hand. I’ll top the truck off before we leave and you can top it off when we’re done to replace what ever we use.

It’s in St. Catharines, so less than 45 minutes away from the peace bridge. I’ll talk to my grandma tonight and let you know. :tup: