Importing question (with a twist) for Ontario


Unlike most people I’m not looking to buy an import car… I’m from the UK and already own a JDM s15. I’m moving over to Toronto later in the year and I’m looking to bring my car over.

I’ve tried to find an importer who would help me bring the car over but so far I’ve not had any luck… With that in mind I’m preparing to do this on my own. Having done some research, I know I’m allowed to bring my car in (confirmed by the CBSA) under an exemption rule where I can temporarily import my personal and household effects free of duty, which includes my car. the only catch is I can’t sell it in Canada and I must bring it back when my work permit expires.

However, the CBSA also pointed out that a provincial safety test may be required if the vehicle registration has to be changed to the province of residence. They advised me to contact the Ontario Ministry of Transportation but so far I’ve not had much luck.

What I want to know is how I would know if my vechile registration has to be changed, and if so, what kind of tests do I need to go through… from what I’ve been able to find out my car needs to pass these tests:

windscreen must be as1/as2 approved
a neutral safety switch. (no idea what that is)
A marking somewhere that show’s the shift pattern.
Daytime Running Lights.
Headlight beam pattern
Side Marker lamps (must be DOT approved front side marker lamps (orange in colour) as well as rear side marker lamps (red in colour)

and also general checks for the condition of the car… Brakes, fluid levels, rust, etc…

I think that covers the sort of things the saftey test looks for… am I right? Also, where would I go to get the test?

when you go to get ontario plates…basically they SHOULD tell you everything you need to know.

windshield? must meet our standards…probably does.
neutral safety switch will not let the car start in gear only neutral or park (standard/auto)
shift pattern…never heard of that but. ct sells those fag stickers
drl’s can be a pain in the ass. but all you need to do is make 2 lights on the front of the vehicle come on while the car is mobile/running. (clear lights)
have your headlights aimed?
marker lamps…your car probably already has red/amber lights.

basically you need a MTO safety. which you can get at any shop in ontario (that is licensed.)

hope that helps…

Thanks. That helps.

Just so I’m clear of the process, does it mean that I have to do the following before I can drive my car away?

  1. put car on ship
  2. ship takes car to Canada
  3. pick up car at docks
  4. trailer the car to a get MTO safety test at a nearby car (assuming I can’t drive the car at this point in time)
  5. apply for ontario plates
  6. put plates on car

I’m probably over simplifying things but is that about all I have to do before I can drive the car legally?

i thought the exemption rule only gave you one year, then it had tpo be exported back?

im pretty sure on this one, so ide look into that before you bring it over

you cant bring it over unless you let us all test drive it. :stuck_out_tongue:

im 99% sure about the one year thing. however while you are not allowed to sell it here. you might be able to get it registered permanently. i cant discuss in more detail but basically pm farmer. he knows the whole process and should be willing to do it for a price. as far as the safety go. i wouldnt worry about anything. they passed safety on my skyline easily even though it doesnt have any of things you mentioned above.

you’re not the only one in this situation though. iirc theres a japanese guy with a r34 here thats only here for less than a year. so he brought it over with him.

I had a look at the email CBSA sent me… All it says is

When arriving in Canada for the first time, you can temporarily import
your personal and household effects free of duty. These items include
furniture, tableware, silverware, appliances and motor vehicles. Though
these goods are not normally subject to duty and taxes at the time of
importation, the CBSA may require that you post a refundable deposit.
The following conditions apply:

-The goods cannot be used by a resident of Canada;
-You are not permitted to sell or otherwise dispose of them in Canada;
-You must take all non-consumable items with you when you leave the
country at the end of your temporary residence.

They never specified a limit on length of stay… I just assumed that if I can get a work permit for 2 yrs (or more) then I’d be able to stay for that long and keeo my car for that length of time…

Just buy a car here in Canada. You’re going to ruin your car here if you winter drive it. And depending on where you move to, there’s a good chance your car will get stolen. However, it’d be nice to see an S15 here…

I agree with the FOB. With all of the time, money and hassle taken into account of only bringing it over for a year, you could probably just buy a Zenki (possibly even kouki) s14 and enjoy it here, then sell it.

Im no expert here but I dont think you will be able to bring the car in because its not on the allowable importation list. I realize you wouldnt be ‘importing’ it per say but I think the government still requires it to meet our laws and a new car like the S15 wont. Older cars 15 years + are exempt hence why there are many JDM cars in canada now. Im not sure what they mean by safety regulations, whether thats a simple safety inspection or it has to meet crash safety for Canada. Its too bad the MTO is so hard to reach by phone and even if you do get someone on the line they probably wont be able to answer your questions since they are so naive.

I know there are exceptions such as diplomats may bring whatever car they please but for the average individual with a work Visa Ive never heard of it. If it could be done then Im sure it would have already and we would have at least a couple R34s or S15s on the road.

talk to farmer…i said what i knew. all i can do.

yes. which is why there are at least 5 r34’s in the gta and also a s15 in the west coast. you can bring any car you want as long you’re not a canadian citizen yes, and you owned the car before moving here.

just because the cars dont like to come out doesnt mean they’re not here. :slight_smile: theres even a 1995+ r33 gtr in the gta that was licensed and plated. however that car aint coming out anytime soon.

“A marking somewhere that show’s the shift pattern.”

That made me lol

i suggest you get a sick alarm system, considering your S15 willl be the only road legal s15 in canada, some ppl may want to get their hands on that, wouldnt be easy to find if stolen, but youd ont want that headache, and for that suggestion…let me drive it :smiley: lol jk…sort of

I would only not want the possibility of theft. I would suggest some serious anti-theft if you bring it over. I would pm farmer like mentioned but I heard the same thing you did which is you have 1 year to have it over than it must be imported.

Thanks for all the responses :slight_smile:

I know it’s a pain to bring my car over here but I have a relocation package that will pay for it so money is not an issue… hopefuly I can get an importer to help me with the rest to take all the hassle out of it. (I’ve pm’d farmer, not heard back form him as yet) The only issue now is the 1 year thing… My plan is to be there for a couple of years… I’ll give riv and cbsa a call to confirm what the deal is with that.

I’ve put in far too much time and effort into the car for me to just leave it in the UK… If I can’t bring the car over I’d probably sell it and I really don’t want to do that… s15’s are rare everywhere (aside from Japan and Australia) and there’s no other car I’d rather drive. I’m well aware what the winter in tonorto will do to my car so I’ll have a daily drive to go with my s15, which will be there purely for the summer time.

Security-wise I’m pretty much set… apart from a tracking system there’s not much I can add to it as I’ve got a Clifford G5 with glass break sensors and interior sensors.

Test drives are out of the question but if I do manage to bring it over I’m sure I’ll be going on some trackdays… how does free passenger rides sound? :cool:

i’m first in line!!!

Tom an alarm is a form of anti-theft device… :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck landing that!

You might be forgetting they revoked all bumper rules which now allows most if not all cars to be imported into Canada . I believe we are on par with the US now , before they were strict

^ Bumper laws are a different matter.