cut out "middle" line of bumper on the Z?

i’ve been driving without a plate for a few years now…with two ridiculous loud shiney fart cans, and a red car with a big wing…you think i’d get pulled over first, but nope…never once…

and the only time my lack of front plate has even been mentioned to me was when i got pulled over for something else…

you’re asking advice here on the front bumper and what to do that would look better, i gave my honest opinion…i didnt say it was legal homes…pay to play


what’s ironic is I drove my car for something like 6 weeks with no bumper period… got pulled once for speeding, didn’t get the “easy out” - and the douche wrote it far higher than I was going at that (I was doing MAYBE 64 in a 55 he wrote 80!!!).

yet, in my quiet, slow, subtle, FUCKING BROWN BMW I got a no-front-plate (old german one, oops) :wink:

Yeah, looks good.

Looks good but i would put mesh in there

how many times do I have to say - I HATE MESH. it’d a dead issue, stop bringing it up

I like the bar on there, I think it makes the front end look wider.


cut it out and fill it with an intercooler

no front plate in PA > *

yes take that middle peice out. it looks SO much better

I say leave it in, buy a temp guage and then slowly block it off to maximize aero.

You may flow enough air at speed that the top half does enough cooling, in traffic you may need both. A quick removable insert…

He’s already got one. But maybe he should put another one in. And then add mesh.

He’s gonna kill me for that.


mesh sucks.

lol, it’s cool to see the completley opposite preferences from one site to another. Did you post on a 3rd forum Dave? lol I wanna know the results, see what the tiebreaker was :slight_smile:

hmm, what’s this other MacBook doing in my room…

Welcome to Darwin!
cassandra:~cassandrarife$ sudo rm -rf /

I read your mail - really fast… now it doesn’t work. Oh well, you have Apple Care, right?

haahha, nice.

PS… in case you missed my comments re: mesh:

^ lol thats fucking awesome hahhahhaha.

still staying with the take it out, looks better. its actually the one thing i hated about the front end of the Z’s

its silly to worry about the little cross piece when worrying about air flow to the IC…when you’re leaving a huge rectangle right in it’s way…no mesh, no cross piece, no plate…front plates are for dweebs. you drive a Z not a civic with a fart can…you’re aren’t going to get pulled over for a plate…and like mike said…when u get pulled over for something else, its a great backup plan to get a ticket for that instead.

plate and exhaust has saved me a few times from costly speeding tickets…but never pulled over primarily because of plate

lolol oh noes!!! teh hax0rz st0l3 my m3g4hurtz!!!