the steers are looking for a derfense cordinator …where is your resume
Originally posted by slowcamaro
the steers are looking for a derfense cordinator …where is your resume
what team is the steersI would never work for that crook rooney anyway, he robbed the city cause his cheap ass didn’t wanna buy a stadium. Unlike the pirates ownership the rooneys and Co are loaded to the gills.
well maybe there will be a head coaching job for you here…i heard a lot of teams are looking for head coaches with no experience
yeah see the rooneys have money because they actually have done something with themselves in the past 10 years like win games. the pirates have won as many games as the steelers but they play 10 times more each year
Originally posted by flyinglow57
yeah see the rooneys have money because they actually have done something with themselves in the past 10 years like win games. the pirates have won as many games as the steelers but they play 10 times more each year
you can’t fault the pirates for not being able to compete. If the fans don’t go you don’t have the money to compete with NY, boston, LA, atlanta. But the steelers haven’t won anything that really counts anyway. baseball is fucked up beyond repair at this point. You know football is fixed when the Buccaneers win a superbowl.
the rooney’s have money because of other endeavors, not football. they own so much property and stock and stuff like that. Not to mention the old man was involved in some shady business in the old days. I don’t even know how may people and organizations have their hand in the pirates ownership, kevin mcClatchy just ownes like a percentage. His money is family money from their newspapers in cali.