Cyberjocks - What do you know?

scott turner still owns it i believe. i used to go there a lot a few years ago, but that place blows now.

I used to go when they had the all night LANs. like 3 years ago I think was the last time I went. It was anoying when half the people were there just to play WOW… what is the point in going out to play an MMO? you aren’t talking to anyone anyway.

I started getting bored there and would just browse through everyone’s computer that was too dumb to lock it down… I didn’t know who’s shit was who’s so its not like I was embarrassing anyone with it. It was mostly really boring anime porn anyway…

I was going to go back after I moded my computer case more. But that has been half completed for 2 years now and just sits on my desk. It became a bit over complicated and I let it aside. I’d still like to finish it one day.

I did have a few friends who went their religiously. But it was all they ever did, either there or DDR at the mall. I don’t talk to them anymore. They just have nothing to talk about.

I’d possibly consider going back once for an all nighter again for shits an giggles.



I’m just seeing what initial impressions were. Seems like we have some people on here that have been there… and a lot of people who haven’t.

I’d like to know why… maybe I can do something about it.

I don’t think anyone knows who the potential buyers are, or could be.

Seems like a poor investment based on the cheap bandwidth/processing power now available on normal home computers…not to mention how big xbox360/ps3 online game play is…

isn’t it nothing but ugly white bitches and geeks in there…

It could seem that way to someone who knows nothing about the place. :walter:

EDIT: Now that you’ve added consoles… you’re on the right path.

To someone with a lot of time there, as well as small business startup experience that place would have tons of potential. You’d have to see it to believe it.

I guess the people who haven’t been there in a while, or ever, are going to start chiming in with rubbish now.

So its a ton of black people playing madden now?

Consoles seems like a terrible idea…You can play with 10000 other people easily from home…

And I wouldn’t even want to see the legal issues involved in charging people to play on a service that is already being charged/licensed for…

but regardless good luck :tup:

It is a LAN facility with a T1 for the internet.

You go there to play with your buddies… not a bunch of 12 yr olds on their xboxs.

meh, I can’t believe you would waste the $ to go there everyday…

im pretty sure though, that most peple who want to play with their buddies will do it on the 360/ps3/ own computer via the internet. back in the day, cyberjocks was the place to go when you needed a sick computer to play halo online.

this day in age, most computers can handle these games and the console has come around so much that i think its easier to just play at home for much cheaper/in your own home and have just as much fun.

Setting up tournaments sounds like the way to go. NYSpeed NHL 09 tourney anyone?

I helped them build the place back when it first opened up. I ran the ‘service department’ for awhile too. Everyone that worked there was awesome and had great determination to make that place a success. Since I left, I haven’t talked to anyone there much. I wonder what happened.

I went there back when it first started, talked business a bit with the owner and tried to help him out but he ended up taking a bunch of ideas and never getting any payback for it so it left a bitter feeling for me.

With that said, I honestly feel like the BEST business model for that place is to make it into an electronic day care. If you try to cater to the older people you will lose, because of the things already mentioned, internet at home is cheap, computers are cheap, all in all it makes no sense for a person with their own place or any means of income to go there. Get it to the point where parents will dump their kids off for hours on end just to get them out of their hair, you will clean up, plain and simple.

edit: the only thing that got older people there was tournaments, from what I can remember, that’s about the only draw I could see for people over the age of 16.

edit2: do they seriously only have a single T1 for their net access there??

1.5 > 1.6

true… but 1.3 > all

i loaded Q3 arena and Unreal Tournament on the computer this past weekend for the first time since 01-02ish. Been hooked again all weekend so I went and got a new vid card too :slight_smile:

I used to go to a few LAN parties back in high school with 99_civic_si

One thing about CJ’s, is that no matter how old I got and what game I shifted through, I always found myself going back a few times a year. I understand that im not the best model of how this will be a profitable business as what chino said, the older I got, the less I found myself going, bust still, the atmosphere was always good enough to have me coming back.

All in all, I dont really understand how that place fell flat on its face in such a quick time. When I used to go 4 years ago, that pace was hoppin. Kids with great PC’s would even go just for the atmosphere. I wonder what changed that keeps people from going now.

What do you waste your lunch hour doing every day? It averaged out to about $2.50/day… sorry if that is wasteful.

Actually it is much more enjoyable to play XBOX/PS3 on a LAN than it is over the net. Also… today’s PCs are as crappy as PCs released 5 years ago, relative to the games that are out today and 5 years ago.

Go to Dell and buy a PC that will play Crysis or less than $1200.

Cyberjocks is about $5 per hour. Um… last time I checked, that is pretty cheap.

Anyone who plays Halo on the comp needs help.

It is an electronic day care. The crowd it currently caters to is the 10-14 crowd. Parents will drop them off for the day with a couple bucks and you get to watch them. Of course, they’re going to eat while they are there too.

Do they need anymore than a T1? FIOS is not available there… so what other option is there? It is a LAN facility… and is marketed as such. The T1 is and was a huge selling point for those kids who wanted to connect to the net and have a low ping… but the infrastructure there is aimed toward the LAN aspect of gaming.

To this day, there are comps in there that are better than 99% of the PCs that you guys currently play on. There are a dozen dual monitor 8800 GTs there with a gig of video memory…

When I started going there I didn’t have a computer at home. I built one shortly after spending some time there. But I still went back for the atmosphere. The one I built was better than what was there at the time… but it was still worth it to leave my brand new computer and my internet connection at home… and go to CyberJocks to hang out with some friends.

All of your input is appreciated.

i would go but its more computer oriented and I’m a console guy.