Cyberjocks - What do you know?

That may change :wink:

but what im saying is with xbox live, whats the use of playing in a lan? whats the difference other than you pay to play on live and chances are you have your own tv at home.

its probably great for birthday parties or get togethers, but i just dont see it being a huge hit.

and obviously halo on a computer in this day in age is retarded, but back in the day when it was the first time you could get more people in one level than you could on live, it was better.

With a PC… since the beginning of the internet, what was the point in having a LAN Party?

Unless you have no life at all, you have real friends, local friends. Friends you wouldn’t mind actually hanging out with instead of just chatting over a mic playing shotguns and swords.

I’ve never enjoyed the “Live” experience. I don’t even enjoy the PS3 online experience. I like downloading content, but as far as playing with someone, no thanks.

Ever play Rock Band on live or online with the PS3? IT SUCKS!!! Tell me the game doesn’t take on a whole new attitude when you’re jamming with 3 of your buddies… in the same room.

Same applies for all games.

Are you honestly telling me you’d rather play on live than lan with 20 other people? Honestly?

well 20 people wouldnt be in one room. i wouldnt mind having my own team, but that can be accomplished at my house on my lcd flatscreen and inviting my friends over. i have rock band and play online with my buddies.

listen we could go back and forth all day arguing which is better. back in the day, if my friends and i wanted to have a lan party, we all brought our tvs to one house and did it. i, myself would not pay to do it when its so easy to accomplish.

i was never into computers, but i do know that its harder to get a nice computer that will play crysis and other such games, than it is to get a 360/ps3.

thats cool i know alot of other ppl that don’t go because of that reason.

i think i would try it once … i really want to try CS

I used to go there all the time back in the day. Now I really don’t have as much free time so I do most of my gaming from home.

Srsly, 1.6 > * KTHXBAI

Well I didn’t say it was going to be easy, just need to tap the market that will give you the most bang for the buck… get creative with memberships and/or locking these parents into getting more money out of them. Simplify it for them, end of the day they’d probably rather drop $100 once a month to get rid of their kids than shell out $20 daily or whatever.

As far as the net connection, a T1 is probably not enough bandwidth depending on how many people are playing games online, also it is costly. Look into a time warner business class connection, just make sure you get enough upload… Your T1 (provided it is just a single T1) is 1.5mbps up and down, you probably pay somewhere between 450-700/mo for it. You could likely get a business class cable connection at 6mb down/1.5 up for half that cost or better. It is a LAN facility but you get some super nerds (like these guys (no offense): and you will need a decent net connection but you will rack up some serious hours.

lol @ implying that people that go to LAN parties have more of a life than anyone.

The T1 was originally put in for a number of reasons. Latency was one of the major reasons. Also, at the time, Adelphia wasn’t offering the speeds that were needed. On top of that, the pricing on the T wasn’t as bad as you might think. It was quite doable compared to other business class internet solutions that were available at the time.

Just my $0.02

I went there once and I felt like most of the people who appeared to frequent it were not ones I would want to associate myself with. If you got more of a console focus it might cut down on the nerd vibe, cause that shit was scary.


i guess that might have been true quite a few years ago, but we’ve quoted/purchased just about every time of business class bandwidth we can find, and currently for NON-CRITICAL (i.e. if your cable modem drops at cyberjocks it is not that huge of a deal), TW is certainly your best bang for your buck since FIOS is not available.


Uh, Beta .6 > *

200 round clips in your permanently silenced and zoomable carbine?


it all went downhill after bunnyhopping was removed, god damn that shit was hillarious

Anyone wanna have a little lan party one day this week? Since we suck at getting a poker game started, I wouldn’t mind playing some CS:S

Nah, gun running was the best.

Can it wait a little while? CJs might be running an NYSpeed special…

As far as the T1 is concerned…

I believe it is $450/mo.

That is significant.

im down for BLO lan party

actually, i just remembered, the old TF2 group I used to play with had a lan, turn out of like 40 people from around the country. Im sure they would easily come out to even say a monthly lan. I know how the business is and actually have another friend who just lost his gaming business (or whatever you want to call a business like this) I could ask where he went wrong or get some pointers if youd like

