Cyberjocks - What do you know?

yeah not to mention his was $140 OTD and the 675 was plus tax and 10% fee lol

no thank you. they’re not worth that much.

I really wanted the redbull fridge. Who got it/How much?

If you want a cheap video card upgrade, lmk

I went there once with a few buddies. My computer kept restarting and all of the headphones/mics were broken. Everyone in there (employees/customers) were way too nerdy for me to handle. Told myself I would never go back.

You mean the little roller coolers?

I think they had a ballz fridge and a No Fear fridge but no redbull one.

The kids I bought my computer off of also grabbed the redbull coolers for $50 for both of them.

They were opening a LAN center in Watertown NY and thats why they were grabbing 12 computers also.

This is the picture that the lady from the company running the auction sent me. You can see it the redbull fridge on the left. I was just too hungover to go bid on it…

I don’t know. I bet there’s a whole untapped demographic of alcoholic 2X year old nerds that would be all over it.

EDIT: See post #126 for example. :tup:

Ahhh yes… Yeah I have no idea about that one but all of the kitchen stuff went at the most outrageous prices from what I saw. The most bidders were there for nontech stuff from what I could see. (Office equipment, lighting, food stuff ect)

i believe the red bull fridge was a vendor item. meaning they couldnt auction it because it didn’t actually belong to cyberjocks. there was a few other items like that as well.

Price it out for me, built and delivered.

Completely different computers.

Considering they could pick the number of the computer they wanted, I would say it could swing either way, regardless, they paid a big penny

Im not trying to piss in your cornflakes but I got a common room comp for $125 OTD and moboost got a VIP one for $140, which is the same shit you have.

you cant walk into an auction at that format and expect to buy one or even a few

the guy moboost bought from bought 12 and the guy I bought from bought 21…

you have to latch on to the “entreprenuers” there.

yeah, in the end, you overpaid

so is anyone selling crap they picked up

i didnt want to spend 360, but the pc’s are decent. Its a nice platform to start off with and with parts that friends have laying around ( ram and DVD Drive ) it will work just fine for gaming, Office/School work, and surfing the web. which is all i want.

now reading this, i wish i woulda hooked up with mo boost ( YOU SHOULDA GRABBED ME!!!), i deff didnt want a “common pc” i was willing to pay a little more for the “VIP” comps. i got mine from “Nexius”.

MOBOOST couldn’t have picked one of the $675s for $140… is what I’m saying. The $675 PCs were island PCs not the open area crap. Island PCs went for as little as $550, which was a deal.
$675 wasn’t OTD either… it was going to be $675 x 3 x 1.1 x 1.0875… which is a lot.

I’m pretty sure $140 didn’t get him a dual core with 2GB of RAM (that he thinks he bought :gotme: )… it got him the same machine I got for $300… thats how auctions work. The guy who paid $40 for a used chair didn’t get a deal… the guy paying $20 might have gotten one… and the guy who paid $7 for the rest of the lot got a deal. The guy who waited to get a chair for $10 didn’t get shit. If I would have bought more of them, you wouldn’t have had to opportunity for any of them. Thats how it worked on the island too. For $300 they play every game I want to play pretty well, and it is a backup PC for me anyway. No biggy.

There is still a VIP PC for sale, I might be buying one of the island PCs still.

Was there anything on the HDD of these machines? Just curious. Anyone know what happened to the servers?

wiped clean

No there was nothing on the hard drives and my friend picked up all of the server racks for 50 bucks each

^^^ not the racks, the actual servers.