cylinder 4 flooding

ok so if you read my other thread you know im having some engine problem and cylinder 4 isnt firing. i have been trying different things but still havent figured it out. so i brought it into nissan and they think it could be a bent rod or stuck valve. so this morning i checked compression on cylinder 4. before i hooked the tester up i pulled the plug, disconnected the fuel pump and injectors and cranked the engine. lots of fuel shot out and i kept cranking till it stopped. the engine has been sitting for a week but there was still lots of fuel in there. so i thought shit it was hydrolocked and i broke a rod, but compression was 160 so i guess not. after that i hooked everything back up and it started running on 4 cylinder again and ran ok while i drove it. i then let it sit for a bit and tried starting it again and number 4 is flooded out again. anyone have any ideas?

Sounds like a leaky/stuck open injector.

Try switching the injector in #4 to anouther cylinder. If the problem now happens with the other cylinder, you know it’s the injector.

thanks for the idea but i tried that already. no luck!

So you’re still flooding in the same cylinder after swapping injectors around?

Did you check your voltage going to that injector when you fire the motor up?

test the wire from the injector to the ecu with a multimeter