Dalai Lama at UB(tickets)


I was just posting up to see who is going to see the Dali Lama on the 19th.

I was also going to ask if there is anyone that goes to UB and is not going to see him and would like to get me some tickets, I am looking for 2 (1 for brother, 1 for Dad)

this is the list of times/places to get your student tickets
September 5 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Alumni Arena

September 6 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Alumni Arena
5 p.m.–8 p.m. Ellicott Food Court

September 7 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Harriman Hall
6 p.m.–8 p.m. Harriman Hall

September 9 9 a.m.–12 noon Alumni Arena

September 9 1 p.m.–4 p.m. Harriman Hall

September 11 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Alumni Arena

His Holiness the 14th comes Tuesday September 19 at 3:00pm, with a pre-lecture program at 1:00pm

i want to see him…but im moving and wont be here…i was really looking forward to since the spring when i first heard about it at UB.

I saw him in Toronto a few years ago. I plan to go this time.

forgive my ignorance, but who exactly is the dalai lama? I assume he’s the buddist equivilant to the pope?

haha, kinda, he preaches for complete and utter peace among all human beings, he teaches many people to promote basic human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. He is looked up to by many people all over the world and in a sense is several times bigger than the Catholic Pope(even with The Pope hat,hehe)

google it sometime, there is a lot about him and what he stands for that can not be crammed into one paragraph

i might be able to snag a ticket… but… they are labeled as row and seat, so them being together would be kind of a bitch

if im alumni can i go to this? i wanna GO

on my ticket it just says south bleachers

sorry but there are no reserved tickets for alumni, but you can sign up to be in queue so that if there are any tickets left over , you are in line to get a public ticket

also here is a reference for information on his visit


bump, last day to get tickets is tomorrow(sep 11th) from 10-3 at Alumni Arena.

I have 2 tickets now, if anyone can get me a 3rd ticket I will slip them a tenski

damn! i have to work. there will probably be scalpers or something like that.

Didn’t you watch Caddyshack…the Lama is a golfer extraordinaire. :biglaugh:
Seriously though I would recommend you check the Lama out. I’m not sure what his topic of discussion will be, but chances are it won’t have much of anything to do with religion so don’t let that scare you off. I heard him speak in central park years ago and it’s rare that you get to hear someone with great wisdom reflect on modern times.

what exactly does he do when he comes?

Give speeches?

damnit, I have class 1:30-5 so I cant pick up a ticket!

lol i have organic a little later on tuesdays haha oh well looks like I’m skipping a class.

all classes on Tuesday the 19th are cancelled

yay i got my ticket.

all classes are cancelled on tuesday the 19th, so if you are not going to see him, enjoy your day off

I think a lot of religious teachings are universal regardless of what religion one practices. Different ways of going about similar goals… :slight_smile:

Good book. I like reading Thich Nhat Hanh.

They’re just general tickets to the stadium.