Damen Hale - DWI Hit and Run - IN CUSTODY! :)


if he got ahold of the driver… then… why need help finding info on the incident? they didn’t get a make, model, color, license plate, name, anything??


I’m going on bits and pieces of information since my wife only got some of the information on it from her friend. For all I know, he might have gotten the information. But I’m sure he was beat to shit from going off the side of the road and flipping over onto the roof. I’m putting out the information to be proactive until I get more details.

If you see a car that looked fine one day and the next the whole side is beat in, obviously something happened. So thats why I put the word out.


if you could get vehicle info that would be good…hope everyone is ok.


Sounds like some bumps and bruises. The 80 year old grandmother was going to get checked out again. The other 4 all live out of state and were here for their great grandmothers 100th birthday. They were supposed to go home at 6am this morning.