Yesterday I was at Wal-Mart. Now I was only in there for about 5 minutes and when I came out, there he was - a damn cop writing a parking ticket …

So, I went to him and said: “Come on Buddy, how about giving a guy a break?”

He simply ignored me and continued writing the ticket.

So, I called him a blue collard dork. He then glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires!

So, I called him a sorry excuse for a human being. He then finished the second ticket and put it on the car with the first. Then he started to write a third ticket!

This went on for about 25 minutes … the more I abused and hurled insults at him, the more tickets he wrote …
But hey, I didn’t give a shit…

My car was parked around the corner …

You’re an idiot for getting in the way of the guy doing his job and then INSULTING him.

Put yourself in his shoes. Think of all the shit that he probably has to stand up to every day.

edit The joke was so bad that I completely missed it.

Time to call it a day.


Ive been up for far too long, my body is panicking due to lack of pussy or something

almost funnay

Not even funny. fail.

great joke :facepalm

Sounds like parking wars but with a real cop hahaha. I learned not to say a word.

thats not funny at all…

lol long days are the worst…It makes for the next day getting of such a drag its like peeling yourself out of bed…go get laid you will feel better


stop drinking.

and i don’t believe you did this for a second.

I thought it was funny. Not omg roflcopter, but I cracked a smile.

I was like what the hell did you do, handicap spot? I was mad. Then I realized… it wasnt funny.


Tough crowd.

I cracked a smile.


I thought it was pretty good

In real life the overzealous cop would have gotten trigger happy maced you, tazed you, clubbed you and then arrested you

Yea. Shoulda been tazed.

horrendous thread… killing myself now