Seat belt ticket help!

So I got the ticket awhile back when I was driving home from taking my mom to work. Tired and blind (cause I wasn’t wearing my glasses) I didn’t have a chance to see the cop on the bike, apparently they were doing some sort of program. Anyways, I’m taking it to court because for one, I can’t afford it and for two, I think that’s kind of a waste of his time and our tax dollars. Any suggestions on what I could say to get out of this?

I find it funny when people try to fight seat belt tickets.
You have no one blame or bicker about but yourself.

negative. he caught you breaking a simple law that is there to protect YOU. its a waste of your own time and our tax dollars to fight it. just dont be an idiot next time and wear your seatbelt, it will save you a ticket and your life

I asked for help not criticism… I already know what I did and don’t need to hear it again. I wouldn’t mind paying for my mistakes if it were possible but it’s not. Can anyone on here actually offer some kind of help? Thanks.

beg for mercy --> plead to lesser included charge? (one without de-merit 2 points)

I’ve beat 1 before, but it took several photos explaining the circumstance that the shoulder belt in a 1986 Silverado crossed my throat and not my chest, and would therefore do more harm than good.

Wait a minute…

You’re bitching because you got a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt? You should be thankful its a small fine instead of having that cop clean up your sorry ass with a shovel and a bag of kitty litter.

You want help? I’ll give you some advice. Stop being an idiot. You broke the law, and you endangered the lives of others by not wearing your glasses and driving while tired.

Man up and consider yourself lucky.


lol @ everyone giving this guy a hard time. I pleaded for a lesser charge and my 105 dollar ticket turned into 40 bucks in a matter of minutes. Go to court, put your poor baby face on and tell the judge you are a struggling STUDENT. Cross your fingers and the cop won’t show.

It’s like they think I haven’t heard it before or something lol.

And they actually took that as a legit excuse?

JFYI… The cop doesn’t have to show.

yeah, the edge of a seatbelt can tear through your throat very easily… this is before manufactures’ starting using (sliding) adjustable shoulder height brackets…

I was wearing the lap belt, and had the shoulder portion behind my torso…

Since when? Every time cop didn’t show my charge god dropped and OP is this you first ticket or something? You really need advice on son…

Cop can send someone to represent them now. someone HAS to show up tho or they have no argument/proof of anything.

Indeed it is. Advice on son meaning?

Did you have to show the cop this at the time of the ticket?

^yep, hero cop refused to agree with me in a 30km/h zone…

416 charged

ask for forch.

Pardon? Company of some sort?

Dial 416 cha rged. Dudes name is forch

Only reason i know this is from a previous thread where this was mentioned.

Lol I’m not gonna judge, thanks